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'Won't it be a great day when the Air Force has to hold bake sales to get a new bomber and the schools have all the money they need?'" --Charles Gibson
Dec. 31st, 2003. It will soon be 2004.....time flies. happy New Year everyone!
I see by Gary's blog that he is in Abilene, TX. He sent some pics of B-1 Bombers flying overhead. Beautiful aircraft, I saw them at the Wpg Airshow last June.
What is everyone doing for New Years eve? We are going over to paul and Pats place and Al and Janine wll be there. We are having a fondue party. A cheese fondue, an oil fondue and a chocolate fondue. A nice leasurely meal with friends...and a couple of bottles of good wine helps!
spent the morning at the museum...not too busy. It closed at noon. we went for a workout and now...........I got to get ready.
If anyone is interested in Norsemen (the aircraft silly!) there is a web site done by a friend of mine, Don Magnusson, that contains all you will ever want to know about Norsemen. It is www.norsemanhistory.ca . If you should run across a norseman airplane ....make a note of the call letters and let me know and I will pass on the info to Don.
anyhow, better go have my nap ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.



'Won't it be a great day when the Air Force has to hold bake sales to get a new bomber and the schools have all the money they need?'" --Charles Gibson
Hello Peoples....
Its -15 deg c here but when it gets this cold there normally is no wind. We did get lots of fluffy damn snow, though. Thats damn snow as opposed to pretty fluffy snow!
I worked at the Air museum today and I will be there again tomorrow too, but just in the morning as we are only open 'til noon.
We got and e-mail today from Matthiew Odier...he is the boy (at the time) from France that spent the summer with us. His english is just a hoot...doesn't even translate, most of it!
Here is the e-mail:

Dear Cathy and Dennis,
Lot of job in Safe animals.
You know, cathy, you are not stupid, often, the computer can't put accent...
I need to form myself during 2 years because my girl -friend forms her-self
in the Salpetriere, The Big Hospital of Paris to become Psychomotrician...
I hope you are fine...
Sorry, I don't a lot have time...

did you get that??? I think that a psychomotrican is akin to a physiotherapist....anyhow"lots of job in Safe animals"????

He really loved it here ans still writes to us on a regular basis...for the las 7 years!

Anyhow, Happy New Year everyone! Remember, if you drink , don't drive...you may spill it!



'Won't it be a great day when the Air Force has to hold bake sales to get a new bomber and the schools have all the money they need?'" --Charles Gibson
Hello....It is Monday and the temperature is -10 deg c. That is 3 flibertys on the flibertiggibit scale. It was really mild this weekend and on Saturday it was raining!
This AM Catherine and I went downtown to (1) get my bloodwork done at the Winnipeg Clinic and, (2) go for breakfast at the Paddlewheel Restaurant and do some shopping at the Bay (big sale!). It was deserted at the Bay, I guess because it has been snowing and the streets look slippery...not the case really.
Catherine has gone out for lunch with her friend Diana Fabas-Pirie...I like that name, it sounds so aristocratic. She too, is retiring at the end of the school year. She is a principal at a school in Tuxedo school division, now called Pembina Trails ( a name she recommended). I think it is a good thing for her to be retiring now because (1) she had breast cancer two years ago that had spread to her lymph glands and (2) her hubby Doug (who is has been retired for about 4 years now) has had three heart attacks including a bypass. Ya gotta take life as it comes but you ony get one chance and you might as well enjoy it while you can!
Having a heart attack really changes your outlook on life. You get to peek on the other side of the hill and its not pretty. I am not feeling sorry for myself...the minute I feel sorry for my lot I think of the blind guy at the Reh-fit centre or the guy I saw this AM hobbling down the street his body wracked with MS. Life is what you make it so make it good.
I envy Gary and his ability to travel all over the place in his RV. Life is an adventure for him...always something new to see and do. I am glad that Carol is well enough to travel with him, since she had breast cancer too and suffers from arthritis. And Chuffer the wonder dog has his second wind and still rules the RV!
I enjoy reading the blogs, especially Joel's...he is a good writer. I hope all is well with his parents...they are in the Pilippines on a vacation... It has been raining there quite a bit and it has caused a lot of destruction.
Well, today is a workout day...better go and carb up!
debeyah, debeyah, debeyah...thats all folks!



"Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. . . ." American Humanist Association
Saturday Dec. 27. I think it will be a good year next year...everthing will click for me.....my knees, my hip, my back.
Its about 2deg.c. Thats 4 anthropocentrics on the anthropocentrical scale. It has stared to snow. Expect to get 5 - 10 cms before it all clears. Most of the snow is going north of us.
Today we are just relaxing. We will go over to the Reh-fit Centre for a workout (555!). This afternoon we will probably take Nana back home so she can be with her old crones. She misses playing cards, especially missing the nickels that she wins at 'hearts'. And tonight we are going over to Al's place to play a new edition of Trivial Pursuit!
I see that Gary updated his blog and he also sent me a picture of "Smokey", Jacks all-round good mouser! He has grey and white grizzled fur much like Gary's beard! Gary says that he is so loveable that he is considering taking the cat with him when he leaves.
Well better go and get a snack before we go to the Gym (....Hmmmm...New Years resolution: go to the Gym more often or load more carbs??? Both I should think!)
well longidioso sports fans



"Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. . . ." American Humanist Association
Well, here it is Boxing day. The weather here has been nice, around 0 deg c. Thats 10 Beaufs on the Beaufort scale. They say that we will get some snow (10 cms?) over the weekend, part of the system that is dumping much rain on the west Coast. We actually need the snow because it has been so dry here over the last couple of years that Manitoba's power grid is suffering.
Yesterday, Catherine, Mom and I went to the Canada Inn for dinner...fabulous Dahlings. they had ham, turkey, perogies(yum), cabbage rolls(yum), taters, pasta, soup, salad, and all kinds of desserts. A veritible feast! We ate lots and then we went to tour the lights. Thank goodness that I didn't have to cook a turkey and wash the dishes for a dinner at home!
Later, we watched the "Huron Carol" and then "White Christmas" with Bing Crosby. The other day we watched "Scrooge" with Alistair Sims. We hadn't seen it for a while and it was quite good. There is a moral in there somewhere about how you treat other people coming back to haunt you.
Today, we are just lazing around. We will take the dog out for a walk later and that will be the 'exercise du jour'....since the Reh-fit Centre is closed. We will have to go tomorrow.
It was nice to be able to Yahoo with Gary, Jack and Margot and Joel at the same time. Margot and Joel even opened the present that we got them on camera, in real time. Ain't technology grand? Haven't heard from Lyn or David or Noni but Gary talked to them all Xmas Eve and said that all was well and I am sure they had a nice Christmas, too. Good all around. Gary sent some wonderful pics of the trip to San Antonio and the Xmas eve dinner in the 'Land Yacht'. Send some more!
Well, better go for now...gotta trim the tree! Laters Gators



"Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. . . ." American Humanist Association
Well, here it is Christmas morning. below is a NASA poem about Venus...clearly visible in the southwestern sky.
Its -2 deg C....suppose to go to a high of 4 or 5 WooHoo! Thats 4 giblets on the cold turkey scale. Actually it is quite sloppy out...hard to keep the car clean or the dog for that matter. the weather has been nice all accross Canada. Halifax was 12 deg c, yesterday....picture it: bluenoses turning red!
There was a storm surge in New Bruinswick a couple of weeks ago and it deposited several hundred lobsters on the beach....people were scrambling to gather them up..not to save them, NO, but to add to their Christmas dinners!
We just finished opening our presents and I will send some pictures via e-mail. Nana got some cute slippers from Margot and we got her a blouse (which she will probably take back next week!....we kept the bill.) Suzie gave Nana a little stuffed cat which she promptly named Ginger. Of course Nana got some flowers from Jack...beauuuuuutiful poinettias. Jack sends her flowers for every occasion....I'm sure that he has employed a service to do it for him because he is normally late with everthing! The flowers are always gorgeous. Gary sent his Mom a small box of chocolates.
I got Catherine a gift certificate for Chapters......always appreciated by her!...and a pilates mat, and "Pirates of the Carribean", and pair of slippers. I got a fleece jacket and both Catherine and I got a beautiful original framed picture from a famous west-coast photographer by the name of Margot Ousey. It is a picture of what looks like English Bay at sunset.....very nice. we sent Margot and Joel an electric wine cooler.....well ya gotta see it..neat. I hope that they use it...I'm sure that they will. At least they will use it whenever we come to town!
Later today we are (all three of us!) going to the Canad Inn for Xmas (Jimmy) Buffet.....just near Margaritaville.
Better go and trim the tree
Later gators

"Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. . . ." American Humanist Association
The presents are opened, the stockings askew.
Two pounds of turkey are inside of you.

Your eyelids are drooping. The sun's going down.
Christmas is over. But wait... what's that sound?

The neighbors. They're shouting, "Look to the west!"
Outside you dash, along with the rest.

The sky is as pink as Santa Claus' nose.
And right in the middle--two UFOs!

Could it be an invasion? Some creatures from space?
Now you're awake. Your heart starts to race.

Run back to the house. Pick up the phone.
9-1-1, 9-1-1! "They're coming," you moan.

The voice on the line says, "Sir, just relax."
"There's nothing to fear. Let me give you the facts."

"Those spaceships you see aren't spaceships, no, no."
"Astronomers say it's a harmless light show."

"One's a planet called Venus, as bright as can be."
"The other's the moon. Now do you see?"

So go tell your neighbors: everything is alright."
"Merry Christmas to all. And to all a good night."



"Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. . . ." American Humanist Association
Well, its hello fom him and its hello from me. Merry Christmas! its Christmas eve and not a creature is stirring.............no spoons. The stockings were hung by the fireplace with care in hopes that St. Nicholas would bring a new pair. when down from the chimney came such a clatter I looked up and said....what the hell is going on up there. It s a balmy 2 deg C today. thats -789 tra-las on the tra-la-la scale......don we now our gay apparel tra-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la....or is it fa-la-la-la-la.....etc.%#$@&^)*+
I was at the Museum this AM and it was not too busy at all. We closed at noon but at exactly 11;45 am A GUY COMES RUSHING IN IN A SWEAT. He needed a gift for his wife...it took him 5 minutes and $75.00....now that is efficiency...poetry ....only a man can do that!
Better go....Gary is on Yahoo.



"Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. . . ." American Humanist Association
a few festive season jokes:
As the plane settled down at Ben Gurion airport, the voice of the Captain
came on the PA System:

"Please remain seated with your seatbelt fastened until this plane is at a
complete standstill and the seat belt signs have been turned off.

To those who are seated, we wish you a Merry Christmas, and hope that
you enjoy your stay. And to those of you already standing in the aisles,
we wish you a Happy Chanukah, and welcome home."

The fear of St. Nicholas is known as Claus-trophobia

The Five Ages of Man
(1) He believes in Santa Claus.
(2) He doesn't believe in Santa Claus.
(3) He dresses up to look like Santa Claus.
(4) He looks like Santa Claus.
(5) He believes he IS Santa Claus

My stockings were hanging by the chimney with care, I'd been wearing them for
months and they needed the air

I saw the .gifs of three Weissmans at a Bar Mitzvah.

If Santa went surfing would he look for a beach with a Yule tide?

The crooked Santa who broke out of jail might be called "an escape Claus."

At Christmas, children would like something that would separate the men from
the toys

If Santa Claus had a father, do you think there must have been a grandfather

How did Rudolph know Santa fell out of the sleigh? He felt a rein-drop.
bwahahahahahaha Merry Christmas everyone!

"To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin."

Cardinal Bellarmine, 1615, during the trial of Galileo
Well, here it is 2 days after solstice or before xmas. It is -5 deg C or 7846502 degs on the NETUS (north end thermal underwear scale).
Just Yahooed with Jack, gary and Carol who are now at this very moment just arrived in Tishomingo Oklahoma, USA. they travelled 150 miles today to get there...my guess is that they overnighted at the Pottsboro, Texas Wal-mart. ...i could be wrong...it can happen!
we just received the two parcels from Margot...one for us and one for Nana. I wonder what's inside? 'cmon, just a peek!
Tomorrow, I will be working at the museum until noon and then on my way home i will stop and pick up Nana. she will stay with us for a few days...not much going on at the Manor anyways. We will be tuned into Yahoo messenger tomorrow after 1:30...if anybody is interested.
Well...better go trim the tree. Margot, we have the Pickle and the chili bulbs on the tree!
so its goodbye from him and its goodbye from me



"To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin."

Cardinal Bellarmine, 1615, during the trial of Galileo
Below are some "googlewhacks" these are two single solitary words (no quote marks!) queries on google yielding a single page of results or better yet a solitary result. these are great! (Enron is considered one result)
Enron ran the real runaround

Steven Bliss: ambidextrous scallywags
What do you call Enron corporate officers who contributed money to Senators on both the left and the right?

Autumn Tyr-Salvia illuminatus ombudsman Who can you complain to about the worldwide coverup of the Enron conspiracy?

Joe Nilles squirreling dervishes How did an SEC spokesman privately describe Enron executives who had busily packed away their ill-gotten gains?

Aaron Kimball assonant octosyllable
Enron ran a real runaround.
Enron ran a real raw end run.
No renowned nun ran near Enron.
...well, you get the picture.

Matthew Kerste fetishized armadillo What hangs over the mantle of the gold-plated fireplace at Enron's corporate retreat in Texas?

Doug Gray panfish interrogation What Congressional Task Force will, as one Senator put it, "scale, gut, and filet" Enron accountants during their formal testimony?

Karl Windle disenthralled nimrod How did Enron's press office describe an investment advisor who changed his recommendation from "Buy' to 'Sell'?

Emma Robertson anxiousness scheduler What special job title was reserved for the secretaries of Enron's corporate finance officers?

Manik Gupta bamboozle guzzler What was the most popular mixed drink at Enron's corporate Christmas parties?

John Birq megalomaniacal
After the party, how did the club bartenders describe Enron's top corporate officials?

Jeff Custer inculcating skullduggery What priority item led every agenda at Enron's Board meetings?

Chaim Schuss parochial noctambulist What 'previous occupation' should Enron's financial officers list on their next job application?

Richard Milne insolvent pachyderms Among all the negative fallout from the Enron scandal, what single thing does the Texas Republican Party fear most?

Roy Whiddon demurrable insufficiencies "Plausible denial" hints of espionage, so what other term will Enron officials use to downplay creative accounting during their criminal trials?

Jon del Castillo unmerciless politician How does Enron describe public officials who've asked that Enron employees be reimbursed for lost investments?

Craig Tucker despotism fluidics What science describes Enron exerting pressure across a huge, immoral brotherhood to produce desired effects with no obvious cause?

Glenn Hall antiestablishmentarianism
Among the many unpleasant names Enron pensioners may call an Enron executive, which epithet contains the longest word?

Doc Disk flibbertigibbet boogers Among the many unpleasant names Enron pensioners may call an Enron executive, which epithet is the most kind?

"To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin."

Cardinal Bellarmine, 1615, during the trial of Galileo
Hello...its the day after solstice and 3 days until X-mas. Its zero (0) degs. C....that's high range in the Effects of Translational Nonequilibrium in the Shock Wave Front in Dense Gases and Liquids....or 32 deg. f.
A short history of Solstice.
For one day on either side of solstice the Sun rises and sets in what looks like the very same spot and that is why dec. 21 is called Solstice which means standing-still-sun. It occured this year at 11.04 PM PST on Dec.21. In the old days soctice celbrations we held on Dec. 25th because that was about the time when the sun was perceived to be "coming back" and the the days were perceptively longer. Solstice celebrations have been held as far back as the cavemen. The popuar celbrations put Cristianity at a disadvantage and around the 4th century (after Constantine made Christianity the state religion of Rome and in the process destroyed the previous religions of Rome) Christians decided the Dec. 25th was to be the new celebration of Jesus's birth....in order to compete directly with other Solstice celebrations. The reason for the Solstice celebrations is, however, reason itself.
..........reason made the season........
Anyhow, the Solstice celebration that we attended yesterday, in the form of a dinner, was a great success. We made a large donation to SERC (Sexual Education Resource Centre, formerly Planned Parenthood). This is an organization that promotes sexual health through education. Catherine says that since she has some time she is interested in volunteering there. As an 'after dinner' speaker we had Victor Swartzman from the Manitoba Dept. of Human Rights. He was a very interesting speaker and went on for just under two hours. We finally had to tell him to stop! We will have to invite him back.
Catherine volunteered to look after the Humanist assoc. library, which consists of a few dozen books. She will bring some to each Humanist meeting. She will enjoy doing that since books are important to her and she has already read several of the books in the collection, including those by Carl Sagan (a noted Humanist by the way!).
Well, today is a workout day so better go carb up....and trim the tree!
later taters.........



"To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin."

Cardinal Bellarmine, 1615, during the trial of Galileo
Wow...its 5 degs C today....50 degrees on the I-Can't-Believe-its-not-butter scale. Snow is melting , birds are singing, lilacs are blooming....well its melting and singing anywho. Took Suziekins for a walk to the park...she did 1 poopies anf 3 peepees. I'm as proud as a Dad can be. I wonder if the Beagle has landed on Mars yet....no I think it lands on Dec. 25th...I remember that date because it is 4 days after Solstice. Speaking of Solstice, better get going or we will be late for the celebrations/dinner.
later, Gator. I hope everyone got their Holiday cards...electronic and otherwise.
Alright....Merry Christmas



Life is a tragedy for those who feel, but a comedy to those who think
--Horace Walpole

Today is Friday. Colder than they thought it would be. About -8 deg. C.....about 765 degs. Calvin...on the Hobbes scale.
Today we went to see the new movie, just released two days ago, third part of a trilogy......"The Return of the King".... Or as I like to call it "Look whose Tolkien 3". The best damn movie to come out this year, although it proved to me to be a little tedious at the end, it goes on and on for about 3 hours, and if you have not read the book (as Catherine pointed out to me,,,she has read it at least 3 times!) you would keep thinking that the movie is close to being over in several places but as the solidier in "The Party" who just would not die...the movie keeps going and going. It is good though and well worth seeing. It is playing hourly at several theatres in town, mostly to packed houses.
Wait a minute, Gary bought a t-shirt? Holy smeagle! Passed up on the Davey Crockett hat and bought a t-shirt...What does it say, I wonder???>>>>>>>"Don't Mess With Texas"?
Tomorrow is the annual Holiday bash and tree decorating party at Paul and Pat's place. Sunday is the Solstice party.

It is not just coincidence that NASA named the Martian probe "Beagle"....it is of course named after my dog!

well must go and trim the tree...later gator

hey, Gary, Margot, Joel, and Lyn updated their blogs! Way to go funseekers!



Life is a tragedy for those who feel, but a comedy to those who think
--Horace Walpole
Today is Thursday. Its about 0 deg. C...thats 30 dinks on the Humperdimk scale.
Nice to see a blog from Gary. Sounds like they are deep in the heart of Texas or at least around Brownsville. sounds very windy...like Kittyhawk yesterday.
The group that built the replica Wright Flyer tried to fly it yesterday...they made it to the end of the ramp and then "PLONK"...off the end straight into the mud. And Pres Bush was there and all....too bad. Maybe they will try again today?
Sounds like Bush has got the Iraq thing figured out...he's just gonna have his men wait at the hole they found Saddam in until Osama shows up! After all this time they finally got him! The guy that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11!
How do you spell quagmire?
Let them figure it out...meanwhile Paul Martin is going to re-introduce the "decriminalizing Marijuana possesion law" in the new year. That'll piss off the Americans more.
Catherine and I went over to Nana's today. We took picked up MacDonalds for lunch. By the way, she received the box of chocolates that you sent her for Christmas, Gary. Very thoughtful...we will put it under the tree with all the other presents .
We will be picking her up on Christmas Eve at about noon and she will come here for a few days...so if you are wanting to call her you can call her here. We have a new phone that will enable her to hear better!
Well, better go and trim the tree...Three (3) days until Solstice!



Life is a tragedy for those who feel, but a comedy to those who think
--Horace Walpole

"The only immortality is in one's children and grandchildren and in other creative works that last beyond death"
-Moses Maimonides 12th century Jewish Philosopher.

That's a nice thought for today. Today is Wednesday. It is -8 deg C....that's a couple of thermals on the thermocouple scale.
The last picture of the Lord of the rings Trilogy opened here at midnight. Tragically we missed it, not wanting to camp in line for hours. I think it is called "The Last HOOHAW". We shall see it during the holidays...when we are not relaxing or shopping of course. HeeHee
Another thought for today...So, whats the speed of dark?

Today I was at the Aviation Museum. Because today is the 100th anniversary TO THE DAY of flight, we had 'Toonie day" at the museum...everbody gets in for a measly toonie. We also had a ceremony to accept a cheque from the USA consulate in Winnipeg for $13,000.00...to help pay to bring the Wright Bros. Exhibit to the WCAM.

Better go because it is on the news...so it goodnight from me and its goodnight from him.



"People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge."
[The Way of Lao-Tzu, 65]
Today is Tuesday...it is sunny and cool at -8 deg c or so.....thats a lot of shizzle on the frizzle scale.
Catherine is subbing this AM and the doggie and I are home alone. We are taking the rest of the day off to shop and relax.
Sunday night was the finale of 'Survivor' and the person that won (Sandra) was the person that we hoped would win. Of course we hardly ever watch the show 'ceptin' between poetry readin's on yur PBS.
Everthing else is kind of quiet here. I got Catherine a real nice pair of slippers for the winter celebration. don't tell her though, as I want it to be a surprise! ssssshhhh!
I don't know what she got me but I deserve it ....I have been a good boy all year! I can't find the damn thing anywhere....not that I am looking for it. Margot used to go searching for the presents we (er, read Santa) got her. It used to be quite a job keeping her from finding the presents!
Seems that everywhere you go these days have Solstice decorations up and Solstice music......Solstice is catching on!!! That reminds me, Darwin's birthday is on the 12th of February. I made up a proclamation the we will be sending too Mayor Glen Murray of the beautiful city of Winnipeg in order that he may declare Feb 12th to be Darwin Day! It could evolve to that!....Tell your mayors too!
It has just been confirmed that the Wright Brothers collection of pictures and lithographs have chosen the Western Canada Aviation Museum as the one and only stop in Canada. The opening is on Feb. 6th, 2004. There is even an original picture taken of the first powered flight at Kittyhawk! You know that they have the Wright Flyer in the Smithsonian Museum but that it was built by Orville in 1928 and included modifications that they 'wanted' to make to the airplane.....so it was not the original configuration...bet you are saying wow..what next! Well on dec. 17th (the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brother's flight) a group will fly a new Wright flyer based upon the 'original' design....see it on Discovery Channel on the 17th. You know that it took the Wright Brothers 6 months to build the engine to power the Wright Flyer and it took around 2 years for them to build the engine for the replica (in Germany using modern methods for much of it). The Wright Bros. also hand carved the propeller and it turned out to be 66% efficient and modern day propellers are in the order of 80-90% efficient....That's a real feat especially when you consider that the Wright Bros. had to invent the propeller!
Well, better go, we had a skiff of snow yesterday and I had better go shovel it. Today is not a workout day but I think that I will carb-up just the same!
Later, later, alligator



It is -2 deg C on the Frigid-Aire scale.
Yesterday, I went to a meeting of the Humanist Assoc. of Manitoba (HAM). It was out in the North-end at a woman's place. She had TV trays exactly like Mom had...must have got hers at Oretski's too! Anyhow the meeting went well and as usual with meetings, what should have taken 1 hour took 2 and a half. We were planning the Winter Solstice party that will be held next Sunday at the Paragon restaurant (the old Beachcomber restaurant for you old geezers). It should be good. We also made plans for a couple of speakers in the new Year.
Today, we got invited to a Chanukah party. The Sholem Aleichem Society, a group of secular Jews, who were holding a 'non Kosher' paty. It was fun. There was a play put on by children and the singing of songs...dreadle, dreadle, dreadle. There was tons o' food....loads of lahtkes (potato pancakes)...with ONIONS yet...I'm still hungry! But there was lots of deserts. We brought a low-fat cheese cake since it was pot-luck. It is nice to see and meet new people. We met a retired lawyer (Abraham Arnold)who wrote the book on the Jewish Secular movement. There was only one other HAM member there, Barrie Webster ( the president of HAM).
Looking forward to the celebration next week...Here's to shorter nights and let's light a candle to bring back the longer days!
Darwin Rules!
Later Dudes.....and Dudettes.



It is -14 deg c and sunny and no wind and getting warmer.....on the official scale of bearability.
Boy, sounds like there is one retired guy in San Antonio who is confused between normalcy and routineness. One doesn't actually return to normalcy when one is in a big friggin RV in San Antonio Texas on a warm winter day. Those retired guys get so confused! Probably from watching 'West Wing' reruns! HeeHee
You are right Gary. It seems that you and I are the only ones that blog on a regular basis. and it is hard to fit it in during the routineness of retirement! For example today, I thought that ...gee I should blog something....and then Suzie comes to me and says "Can I go outside?" Well, she didn't actually say that (or did she?) but the point is that then I had to do the dishes and clean up and then run over to the store..... so you see I could not blog until
I could scrape together a few fleeting moments in my rushed (yet strangely panic free) day.

On a more serious note. In Ontario there is a push on to allow Islamic (Shari'a) tribunals to operate (under the auspisiis of the Ontario courts) for Muslims. This is an effort to cut down on the number of cases appearing before the Ontario courts. Muslim women are understandibly against this because they do not have many rights under Shari'a. The Canadian laws are fair and just and there should be no need for any tribunals. Unfortunately the precendent has been set by allowing Jewish and aboriginal tribunals to operate. Aboriginal courts notwithstanding (because they are cultural and not religious) religion has no place the Canadian justice system. This is one of the topics for tomorrows Humanist meeting
there is a petition, etc. I feel strongly about separation of church and state.

There ya go...Dennis.....rantin' again...better go Catherine is already carbo loadin' for her Hip-Hop class.....me I just gotta work out, when it comes to Hip Hop my Hip has already hopped...and besides there is that knee injury...it happened at birth, there I was wantin' to get borned and the doctor.........
Later Gator



"We took the day off to shop and relax" Bwahahahahaha. This is a quote from Gary's blog. What the hell are they doing working part time at the San Antonio McDonalds?? They have nothing but time to take off.... unless golfing is considered work!?
Strange how the retired mind works, isn't it.
All's well with the world: Paul Martin is Canada's new Prime Minister. (that is like a President, Jack). The BC ferry workers are on strike...are they ever happy?! Maybe this will give impetus to build a bridge! Georgie Bush has issued a call for bids on the $18 billion dollar rebuilding of Iraq...except from those countrys that weren't with him but were against him, like Canada, Russia, Germany, France, Samoa, Iceland and Lichtenstien....Oh and Vatican City. The TV show "Simple Life" is hugely popular...I have gone off it very quickly from the first episode...now I think it should have been called "Simple Minds". It was a good concept...rich kids sent to live on an Arkansas farm, but these two women...Paris (who says porn don't pay) Hilton and Nicole (this is boring) Richie are only arrogant little, self-serving, small minded, spoiled women who one cannot easily empathize with. oh well, could have been good....like "Green Acres", remember that show. That was one of my favourites ..next to "F Troop" of course!
The temperature is about -18 bracing degrees on the "Who cares it is f**king cold scale".
Last night it got down to about -30 deg C. But it will warm up tomorrow...Climate change you know...
I know that it is warm in San Antonio...but don't be too smug, you know of course that Mexico whupped Crockett's ass at the Alamo and now they have a rental car business on that site!
What is this "West Wing" Show that you talk about? Sorry, we don't watch much TV here...maybe the odd poetry reading on PBS...but certainly not regular TV. Is this a show about a fictitious caring President and his staff that work in a place called camelot...er The Whitehouse? Are you sure it is not a reality show? ...like that Survivor show that I have heard so much about?...Now that would be a good show!...if we watched TV at all, which we don't, unless it is a poetry reading or some such on PBS.....
Well, better go Carb up...today is a workout day...and hey, be careful out there.



Michael Moore.com
turkeys on the Moon!!!! Check out the Michael Moore web site for a great letter about Bushes trip to visit the troops in Iraq.....It is a good thing that they ad a map because Bush could never find it on his own!
Today it is around -12 deg. C...thats 40 Knutes on the Rockne scale.
I understand that if you are flying this Christmas do not under any circumstances take a fruitcake on board....No I mean the kind you eat! Fruitcakes apparently cannot be penetrated by x-rays, so the cake would have to be "disturbed" (eaten?) to ensure that there is no bomb inside. True story...have I ever lied to you?
Today, Catherine subbed again and I worked on my stained glass. And Suzie supervised.
Looks like the Western Canada Aviation Museum will be getting the Wright Brothers Exhibition after all. The first time that it has been out of the USA. It is a number of photographs (some by the Wright brothers themselves) and lithgraphs form the first 20 years of flight. The exhibit is worth approx. $1,000,000.00 and we have to bump up our security. The exhibiton will be here in Feb. 2004.
Well, better go...the "Daily Show" is on and I don't want to miss that!
Arivaderchi Aroma!



gary: Looks like San Antonio is the place to gas up. Here the gas is 58.2 cents CDN/ lt and in San Antonio it is 48.0 Cents CDN/ Lt.

Margot Land
Here again is Margot's blog. she has updated it as of Sunday Dec 7th.
Today it is cloudy and -8 deg C....thats about 87 BTU's (Bangladeshi Thermal Units).
I tried posting on sunday but the damn thing was down....don't they realise how crucial this thing is?????
On Sunday, Catherine and i went to the famous ( some would say infamous) Diabetes Research Centre Xmas Extravaganza. And I won a major prize...a big box of jams and jellys, cookies, etc. It had a note on it that read,"YO: not for diabetics". thanks a bunch. I gave it to Mom and if she can't eat all the jam and jelly, then she can pass them out to her friends. My doctor was there ( the infamous Dr. WOO!). they had tons o' food and a band, and did I mention the food? NO WINE. But they did have a rather pleasant lumpy punch (some kind of fruity things in it).
Once I finish with this research program (blood pressure)...I would like to get into the Accord program. That is the one where ALL you medicine is supplied and they keep tabs on you for a period of 6 years. I could do it but my diabetes is not bad enough (but getting there quickly). They give me cash money everytime I go too...kinda like a partime job......Guinea Pig for Hire!
gary is still in San Antonio...see his blog. I wish that we could be there too. It is beautiful, especially the Solstice lights on the river walk!
I got an e-mail from Lyn and she says that she misses Chuffley a lot....Oh, and her Mom and Dad too. I guess it will be a quiet kind of Christmas in Victoria. No one to cook the bird ....and no one to eat most of it!
Well, better go and Carb up....its a work out day!
Adios muchachos, mustachios, muchmusic?



this is cute and apparently very true:

ENERGIZER BUNNIES: "Lila", 71, of Massachusetts says her medical problem
is nothing to laugh about: Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome, which
causes her to have as many as 200 orgasms per day, starting two years
ago after surgery. "If you gave me the choice of this or never having
another orgasm as long as I live," she says, "I'll take never having
another one as long as I live." Meanwhile, Winston-Salem, N.C., pain
specialist Dr. Stuart Meloy is looking for volunteers to test a new
device he accidentally discovered. While implanting a patient with
electrodes to ease pain, he put a wire in the wrong spot and the
patient, who was awake, had an instant orgasm. He has U.S. Food and
Drug Administration approval to test a device, dubbed the "Orgasmatron"
by the press, to help women with sexual dysfunction. There's just one
problem: "I thought people would be beating my door down to be part of
the trial," he says, but so far only one woman has signed up. He needs
a minimum of 10. (Boston Globe, AFP) ...Maybe if he offers to snuggle a

life with joel
We have yet another blogger in the fold! Joel is now blogging too. He has a couple of entries on his site.
Margot has some photos in a new show! You go girl!
Its -6 deg C. or 67 on the filibuster scale.... It snowed a bit over Thursday and Friday. We don't have much snow yet, maybe about 5 cms on the ground, but I fear we will get more. We can't complain though, the weather has been rather mild. I would be happy if it stayed like this for all winter. last year we did not get any real snow until a week or two before Xmas.
Today, Catherine and I are just relaxing. Catherine has a job subbing for Monday to Wednesday for a friend of hers at Vanier school. Tomorrow I have an xmas party at the HSC Research Ctr. for all the lab rats in the research program and Catherine and I will go for a while.
Yesterday, Pat brought over a couple of Capons (roosters that are unable to do anymore roostering, for sure now they are dead, eh?). They weigh about 10 lbs each and are gggoooddd eatin'. Pat has some sort of Hutterite connection for these birds and they deliver them direct to her school. Leave it to Pat to have some connection!
Looks like we will be with our friends on New Years Eve. Pat & Paul want Al & Janine and us to have a Fondue. One fondue for appys and one fondue for main course and a chocolate fondue for desert. Along with a few bottle of well chosen vino and voila 'laissez les bontemps roulons'.
Well better go, AVOIR DUPOIS



Margot Land
The above blog site belongs to Margot. She hasn't posted much on it yet but promises to do so soon. I do believe joel is going to start one too.
Anyhow, HELLO FRIDAY. Just had a look at brother Gary's Blog and it appears that they are in San Antonio. Now I am very jealous. I would love to go to San Antonio. I hear that it is a very beautiful place, historic too with the alamo and all. Davey Cricket...or is that Jimminy Crockett and the last stand was at the Alamo (Was it the Mexican/ American wars?).....and was the last stand a Taco stand? I luvs histry! Anyways, San Antonio has a vibrant arts scene and wonderful river walks. Gary must tell us everything about it!
This AM I went to the Diabetes Research group. My blood pressure is up to 148 over 88. Well, it is supposed to be going down and it is going up. I am on some crappy med called COZAR and after 6 months my blood pressure is still high. POOP. I am still hoping to get into the ACCORD program because that is the cadillac of Diabetes research programs. They give you ALL of your meds and monitor everything for 6 years! In order to get into it I have to have long term blood Glucose levels of at least 7.0 mmol/L ( Mine is 6.5 mmol/L last time I had it checked in September.) and crappy blood pressure (which I currently have on this stupid BP med). We'll have to wait and see.
Well today is a workout day....better have my afternoon nap!
later Gator



Just a note to say that I was a big weiner....er, winner at the WCAM Xmas party. I won some MAJOR prizes...among them a tee-shirt (with a forest scene and an airplane rampant)...I think it is a Norseman, a unique peaked cap in red with the words Stevenson Aviation emblazoned on the front (raised lettering), a pencil that says "volunteering is gud , a cup (black with mock gold lettering on it repeating the Stevenson Aviation theme), a utility knife from Canadian Propellor and lastly but not leastly, a 2 for 1 pass to the Childrens Museum!........Now I just need a grandchild to take me!.........BTW it is good until Oct, 2004...so no pressure Margot and Joel! I had lots of cake, cookies and I am all punched out. Now if you'll excuse me I think I will go and catch the news.
Later Gator

Hello, Thursday! It is snowing and about +1 deg C, that's 356 on the FUBAR scale.
Today I am going to do lunch with one of my old Rocket pals....we used to make rockets together before our rocket careers hit the apogee and flamed out. Now we are both retired, having taken a package from Bristol.
Then, I am going over to the Museum for the annual Christmas Party. They will have lots of presents and cakes and cookies, too.
I just got an e-mail saying that Margot and Joel have accepted my invitation to blog on my Blog site. All they have to do is to follow the directions and BLLLLOOOOGGGG> Since I never receive e-mails from them, at least I can hear from them this way!
Better go..............later
Avoir Dupois



Hello again. I took Catherine to get a mammyogram today. They found nothing, although the xrays have not been looked at yet.
The weather is around 0 deg. C. About 32 deg. Calculus ( the point at which the mind freezes up!).
We got off presents to the east coast and to the west cost on Sunday. Margot and Joel should see something in a few days. We also got a card from Joel's parents, it was a picture of Mom & Dad Baloro and the kids, Margot & Joel. Cute.
I finally got my contacts list in order and went to print labels for winter Solstice cards and I found out I was out of black ink. Balls, now I have to break down and buy a new cartridge because I have refilled the old one too many times, now.
Well, anyhow, better get to the museum. I hope it is busy.

Altus mayor says town loved reality TV show - baxterbulletin.com
I saw the first installment of "The Simple Life" on Tuesday. It's a hoot. It is a 'reality' TV Show about two girls, Paris Hilton (of the Hotel Hilton family) and Nicole Ritchie (daughter of Lionel Ritchie), both well-heeled, spoiled, party girls from the big city come to Altus, Arkansas for a month of the "Simple Life". These girls are clueless, eg: Paris says things like "Wal-mart? What is that ...do they sell walls?", they go to the grocery store with $50.00 and load approx $65.00 into the cart and at the checkout they tell the clerk that they only have $50.00......can you just give them to us? He replies that this is not a food bank and later Paris says to Nicole....what's a food bank? It harkens back to the Green Acres" Show. The two girls are innocent of the reality of rural life (like seeing real chickens and making the link to the chicken dinner they are having) and all its trappings. They are used to the good things and are in shock to find things like a well in their room, bugs attracted byt the open windows and the light, trucks that won't go into reverse. The family that they are billeted with are quite amazed at the site of these two girls and all their luggage and their fancy clothes, but are accepting nonetheless. The girls, in turn, are quite good natured about it all.
Anyhow it is early Wednesday morning, having been woken up by the dog......not sure if she really needed to go outside or just wants a cookie for doing it! It is approx. -10 deg C that is cold, even on the frigidaire gauge!
Yesterday we went ofver to the "Whodunnit" book store and picked up a book for Catherine. We did a whole bunch of shopping, grocery and otherwise. Tomorrow, Catherine has an appointment in the morning and I thought that I would go with her and since it is near Mom's place we could, afterwards, pick up some egg-McMuffins and drop in to see her. Then there will be just enough time to drive Catherine home and then get over to the Aviation Museum.
Nice to see Lyn's blog and Adam now has a blog too....quite good, with a picture of Bart Simpson on it! Now maybe Margot and Joel will be interested in trying to blog.....it is easy really!!!!! what about Noni?????? She would have a lot to say, I am sure..... She's funny too!
Anyhow, better go and get some sleep, before I have to get up?


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