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"Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. . . ." American Humanist Association
Saturday Dec. 27. I think it will be a good year next year...everthing will click for me.....my knees, my hip, my back.
Its about 2deg.c. Thats 4 anthropocentrics on the anthropocentrical scale. It has stared to snow. Expect to get 5 - 10 cms before it all clears. Most of the snow is going north of us.
Today we are just relaxing. We will go over to the Reh-fit Centre for a workout (555!). This afternoon we will probably take Nana back home so she can be with her old crones. She misses playing cards, especially missing the nickels that she wins at 'hearts'. And tonight we are going over to Al's place to play a new edition of Trivial Pursuit!
I see that Gary updated his blog and he also sent me a picture of "Smokey", Jacks all-round good mouser! He has grey and white grizzled fur much like Gary's beard! Gary says that he is so loveable that he is considering taking the cat with him when he leaves.
Well better go and get a snack before we go to the Gym (....Hmmmm...New Years resolution: go to the Gym more often or load more carbs??? Both I should think!)
well longidioso sports fans

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