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"Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. . . ." American Humanist Association
Well, its hello fom him and its hello from me. Merry Christmas! its Christmas eve and not a creature is stirring.............no spoons. The stockings were hung by the fireplace with care in hopes that St. Nicholas would bring a new pair. when down from the chimney came such a clatter I looked up and said....what the hell is going on up there. It s a balmy 2 deg C today. thats -789 tra-las on the tra-la-la scale......don we now our gay apparel tra-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la....or is it fa-la-la-la-la.....etc.%#$@&^)*+
I was at the Museum this AM and it was not too busy at all. We closed at noon but at exactly 11;45 am A GUY COMES RUSHING IN IN A SWEAT. He needed a gift for his wife...it took him 5 minutes and $75.00....now that is efficiency...poetry ....only a man can do that!
Better go....Gary is on Yahoo.

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