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Margot Land
The above blog site belongs to Margot. She hasn't posted much on it yet but promises to do so soon. I do believe joel is going to start one too.
Anyhow, HELLO FRIDAY. Just had a look at brother Gary's Blog and it appears that they are in San Antonio. Now I am very jealous. I would love to go to San Antonio. I hear that it is a very beautiful place, historic too with the alamo and all. Davey Cricket...or is that Jimminy Crockett and the last stand was at the Alamo (Was it the Mexican/ American wars?).....and was the last stand a Taco stand? I luvs histry! Anyways, San Antonio has a vibrant arts scene and wonderful river walks. Gary must tell us everything about it!
This AM I went to the Diabetes Research group. My blood pressure is up to 148 over 88. Well, it is supposed to be going down and it is going up. I am on some crappy med called COZAR and after 6 months my blood pressure is still high. POOP. I am still hoping to get into the ACCORD program because that is the cadillac of Diabetes research programs. They give you ALL of your meds and monitor everything for 6 years! In order to get into it I have to have long term blood Glucose levels of at least 7.0 mmol/L ( Mine is 6.5 mmol/L last time I had it checked in September.) and crappy blood pressure (which I currently have on this stupid BP med). We'll have to wait and see.
Well today is a workout day....better have my afternoon nap!
later Gator

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