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"To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin."

Cardinal Bellarmine, 1615, during the trial of Galileo
Hello...its the day after solstice and 3 days until X-mas. Its zero (0) degs. C....that's high range in the Effects of Translational Nonequilibrium in the Shock Wave Front in Dense Gases and Liquids....or 32 deg. f.
A short history of Solstice.
For one day on either side of solstice the Sun rises and sets in what looks like the very same spot and that is why dec. 21 is called Solstice which means standing-still-sun. It occured this year at 11.04 PM PST on Dec.21. In the old days soctice celbrations we held on Dec. 25th because that was about the time when the sun was perceived to be "coming back" and the the days were perceptively longer. Solstice celebrations have been held as far back as the cavemen. The popuar celbrations put Cristianity at a disadvantage and around the 4th century (after Constantine made Christianity the state religion of Rome and in the process destroyed the previous religions of Rome) Christians decided the Dec. 25th was to be the new celebration of Jesus's birth....in order to compete directly with other Solstice celebrations. The reason for the Solstice celebrations is, however, reason itself.
..........reason made the season........
Anyhow, the Solstice celebration that we attended yesterday, in the form of a dinner, was a great success. We made a large donation to SERC (Sexual Education Resource Centre, formerly Planned Parenthood). This is an organization that promotes sexual health through education. Catherine says that since she has some time she is interested in volunteering there. As an 'after dinner' speaker we had Victor Swartzman from the Manitoba Dept. of Human Rights. He was a very interesting speaker and went on for just under two hours. We finally had to tell him to stop! We will have to invite him back.
Catherine volunteered to look after the Humanist assoc. library, which consists of a few dozen books. She will bring some to each Humanist meeting. She will enjoy doing that since books are important to her and she has already read several of the books in the collection, including those by Carl Sagan (a noted Humanist by the way!).
Well, today is a workout day so better go carb up....and trim the tree!
later taters.........

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