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Hello again. I took Catherine to get a mammyogram today. They found nothing, although the xrays have not been looked at yet.
The weather is around 0 deg. C. About 32 deg. Calculus ( the point at which the mind freezes up!).
We got off presents to the east coast and to the west cost on Sunday. Margot and Joel should see something in a few days. We also got a card from Joel's parents, it was a picture of Mom & Dad Baloro and the kids, Margot & Joel. Cute.
I finally got my contacts list in order and went to print labels for winter Solstice cards and I found out I was out of black ink. Balls, now I have to break down and buy a new cartridge because I have refilled the old one too many times, now.
Well, anyhow, better get to the museum. I hope it is busy.

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