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"To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin."

Cardinal Bellarmine, 1615, during the trial of Galileo
Wow...its 5 degs C today....50 degrees on the I-Can't-Believe-its-not-butter scale. Snow is melting , birds are singing, lilacs are blooming....well its melting and singing anywho. Took Suziekins for a walk to the park...she did 1 poopies anf 3 peepees. I'm as proud as a Dad can be. I wonder if the Beagle has landed on Mars yet....no I think it lands on Dec. 25th...I remember that date because it is 4 days after Solstice. Speaking of Solstice, better get going or we will be late for the celebrations/dinner.
later, Gator. I hope everyone got their Holiday cards...electronic and otherwise.
Alright....Merry Christmas

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