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"People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge."
[The Way of Lao-Tzu, 65]
Today is Tuesday...it is sunny and cool at -8 deg c or so.....thats a lot of shizzle on the frizzle scale.
Catherine is subbing this AM and the doggie and I are home alone. We are taking the rest of the day off to shop and relax.
Sunday night was the finale of 'Survivor' and the person that won (Sandra) was the person that we hoped would win. Of course we hardly ever watch the show 'ceptin' between poetry readin's on yur PBS.
Everthing else is kind of quiet here. I got Catherine a real nice pair of slippers for the winter celebration. don't tell her though, as I want it to be a surprise! ssssshhhh!
I don't know what she got me but I deserve it ....I have been a good boy all year! I can't find the damn thing anywhere....not that I am looking for it. Margot used to go searching for the presents we (er, read Santa) got her. It used to be quite a job keeping her from finding the presents!
Seems that everywhere you go these days have Solstice decorations up and Solstice music......Solstice is catching on!!! That reminds me, Darwin's birthday is on the 12th of February. I made up a proclamation the we will be sending too Mayor Glen Murray of the beautiful city of Winnipeg in order that he may declare Feb 12th to be Darwin Day! It could evolve to that!....Tell your mayors too!
It has just been confirmed that the Wright Brothers collection of pictures and lithographs have chosen the Western Canada Aviation Museum as the one and only stop in Canada. The opening is on Feb. 6th, 2004. There is even an original picture taken of the first powered flight at Kittyhawk! You know that they have the Wright Flyer in the Smithsonian Museum but that it was built by Orville in 1928 and included modifications that they 'wanted' to make to the airplane.....so it was not the original configuration...bet you are saying wow..what next! Well on dec. 17th (the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brother's flight) a group will fly a new Wright flyer based upon the 'original' design....see it on Discovery Channel on the 17th. You know that it took the Wright Brothers 6 months to build the engine to power the Wright Flyer and it took around 2 years for them to build the engine for the replica (in Germany using modern methods for much of it). The Wright Bros. also hand carved the propeller and it turned out to be 66% efficient and modern day propellers are in the order of 80-90% efficient....That's a real feat especially when you consider that the Wright Bros. had to invent the propeller!
Well, better go, we had a skiff of snow yesterday and I had better go shovel it. Today is not a workout day but I think that I will carb-up just the same!
Later, later, alligator

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