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"Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. . . ." American Humanist Association
Well, here it is Boxing day. The weather here has been nice, around 0 deg c. Thats 10 Beaufs on the Beaufort scale. They say that we will get some snow (10 cms?) over the weekend, part of the system that is dumping much rain on the west Coast. We actually need the snow because it has been so dry here over the last couple of years that Manitoba's power grid is suffering.
Yesterday, Catherine, Mom and I went to the Canada Inn for dinner...fabulous Dahlings. they had ham, turkey, perogies(yum), cabbage rolls(yum), taters, pasta, soup, salad, and all kinds of desserts. A veritible feast! We ate lots and then we went to tour the lights. Thank goodness that I didn't have to cook a turkey and wash the dishes for a dinner at home!
Later, we watched the "Huron Carol" and then "White Christmas" with Bing Crosby. The other day we watched "Scrooge" with Alistair Sims. We hadn't seen it for a while and it was quite good. There is a moral in there somewhere about how you treat other people coming back to haunt you.
Today, we are just lazing around. We will take the dog out for a walk later and that will be the 'exercise du jour'....since the Reh-fit Centre is closed. We will have to go tomorrow.
It was nice to be able to Yahoo with Gary, Jack and Margot and Joel at the same time. Margot and Joel even opened the present that we got them on camera, in real time. Ain't technology grand? Haven't heard from Lyn or David or Noni but Gary talked to them all Xmas Eve and said that all was well and I am sure they had a nice Christmas, too. Good all around. Gary sent some wonderful pics of the trip to San Antonio and the Xmas eve dinner in the 'Land Yacht'. Send some more!
Well, better go for now...gotta trim the tree! Laters Gators

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