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It is -2 deg C on the Frigid-Aire scale.
Yesterday, I went to a meeting of the Humanist Assoc. of Manitoba (HAM). It was out in the North-end at a woman's place. She had TV trays exactly like Mom had...must have got hers at Oretski's too! Anyhow the meeting went well and as usual with meetings, what should have taken 1 hour took 2 and a half. We were planning the Winter Solstice party that will be held next Sunday at the Paragon restaurant (the old Beachcomber restaurant for you old geezers). It should be good. We also made plans for a couple of speakers in the new Year.
Today, we got invited to a Chanukah party. The Sholem Aleichem Society, a group of secular Jews, who were holding a 'non Kosher' paty. It was fun. There was a play put on by children and the singing of songs...dreadle, dreadle, dreadle. There was tons o' food....loads of lahtkes (potato pancakes)...with ONIONS yet...I'm still hungry! But there was lots of deserts. We brought a low-fat cheese cake since it was pot-luck. It is nice to see and meet new people. We met a retired lawyer (Abraham Arnold)who wrote the book on the Jewish Secular movement. There was only one other HAM member there, Barrie Webster ( the president of HAM).
Looking forward to the celebration next week...Here's to shorter nights and let's light a candle to bring back the longer days!
Darwin Rules!
Later Dudes.....and Dudettes.

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