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life with joel
We have yet another blogger in the fold! Joel is now blogging too. He has a couple of entries on his site.
Margot has some photos in a new show! You go girl!
Its -6 deg C. or 67 on the filibuster scale.... It snowed a bit over Thursday and Friday. We don't have much snow yet, maybe about 5 cms on the ground, but I fear we will get more. We can't complain though, the weather has been rather mild. I would be happy if it stayed like this for all winter. last year we did not get any real snow until a week or two before Xmas.
Today, Catherine and I are just relaxing. Catherine has a job subbing for Monday to Wednesday for a friend of hers at Vanier school. Tomorrow I have an xmas party at the HSC Research Ctr. for all the lab rats in the research program and Catherine and I will go for a while.
Yesterday, Pat brought over a couple of Capons (roosters that are unable to do anymore roostering, for sure now they are dead, eh?). They weigh about 10 lbs each and are gggoooddd eatin'. Pat has some sort of Hutterite connection for these birds and they deliver them direct to her school. Leave it to Pat to have some connection!
Looks like we will be with our friends on New Years Eve. Pat & Paul want Al & Janine and us to have a Fondue. One fondue for appys and one fondue for main course and a chocolate fondue for desert. Along with a few bottle of well chosen vino and voila 'laissez les bontemps roulons'.
Well better go, AVOIR DUPOIS

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