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'Won't it be a great day when the Air Force has to hold bake sales to get a new bomber and the schools have all the money they need?'" --Charles Gibson
Hello Peoples....
Its -15 deg c here but when it gets this cold there normally is no wind. We did get lots of fluffy damn snow, though. Thats damn snow as opposed to pretty fluffy snow!
I worked at the Air museum today and I will be there again tomorrow too, but just in the morning as we are only open 'til noon.
We got and e-mail today from Matthiew Odier...he is the boy (at the time) from France that spent the summer with us. His english is just a hoot...doesn't even translate, most of it!
Here is the e-mail:

Dear Cathy and Dennis,
Lot of job in Safe animals.
You know, cathy, you are not stupid, often, the computer can't put accent...
I need to form myself during 2 years because my girl -friend forms her-self
in the Salpetriere, The Big Hospital of Paris to become Psychomotrician...
I hope you are fine...
Sorry, I don't a lot have time...

did you get that??? I think that a psychomotrican is akin to a physiotherapist....anyhow"lots of job in Safe animals"????

He really loved it here ans still writes to us on a regular basis...for the las 7 years!

Anyhow, Happy New Year everyone! Remember, if you drink , don't drive...you may spill it!

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