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Don't confuse me with the facts, I've got my mind made up! 

This is the mantra of the Bush supporters these days. I just saw an interview with Ann Coulter on CBC Sunday. She is a right leaning, Bush supporter and an internet columnist. she also wrote the book "How to Talk to a Liberal (if You Must)"! She is a typical republican who sells books by being outspoken, like Bill (who me? I didn't touch her!) ONeil. A rabble rousing republican of repute that rankles me. Anyways Up With America and screw the rest of the world...we'll go it alone. She says that as far as going it alone goes, it was lucky for the world that America won WW2. Sure after ignoring it for 2 years and then entering it only after Sept 11 ...er Pearl Harbour. She forgets that the rest of the world (includung France) were allied against the war. Even Canada was a willing participant. But not the Attack on Iraq! Canada stayed out...pissed some Americans off. Canada also suports the land-mine ban, the World court, the kyoto accord, the Geneva accord, the right of self-determination for other Countries in the world (even including dictatorships).....the Bush administration does not...it has taken the Bush administration just 4 years to set the American democracy back 30 years. And through the patriot act anyone with political views contrary to say, John Ashcroft (a man who speaks in tounges at his church!) can be jailed with no charge. Democracy in action!

Jimmy Carter (of the non-profit Carter Institute) says that in Florida alone there will be violations of a free and democratic voting system that we would not allow in the 50 times he has supervised other nations elections, most recently Vensuela. It will be fun to watch the election on Nov. 2nd, which also happens to be "los dos de los mortes" (Days of the Dead) in Mexico...I think that the interest for me will be how the Republicans can pull off another 'victory'...snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.

Catherine and I went to see a movie on Friday called "I (heart) Huckabees" with Jude Law, Lily Tomlin, and Dustin Hoffman. It is an intelligent comedy. A bit of a cross between European humour and smart American humour. I liked it but if you expect guffaws, its not the movie for you. The laughs are in the situation and the reslove of that situation. A man has a problem with 'coincidences' and seeks the help of two 'Existential investigators' played by Tomlin and Hoffman. As I said, it is a thinking mans (or womans) movie. A joy if you can get into it. Ousey and Ousey give it Two 'hands clapping'!
Well better get going on the NYT X-word! Keep blogging...Y'all!!!!!!!

Don't confuse me with the facts, I've got my mind made up!


Has US homeland security come to this? Are they going to blame Canada?!? Posted by Hello



Hey Carol went to see "Shall we Dance". I'll bet she bragged about it being shot in Winnipeg ...or well maybe not. Anyhow it was shot here last summer...of course the setting was Chicago in the movie. Or did she even know that? And the boys went to see "Sky Captain". I thought that it was pretty good too...especially the airplanes...P-40s brrrrrrupptt...brrrrupppppttt...brrrruupppt.
I went to the Doctor this AM and he gave me another round of antibiotics for me foot, since the infection is not all gone. Now I am worried.......better hang on to the crutches for a while.
Has anyone got Lyn's itinerary for her trip to Winnipeg?? I don't have one.....then again I might have had one and lost it. OR Lyn could have SAID that she gave me one like Gary did and the he forgot to......mangy varmit.
We did get to the Gym yesterday. I walked a couple of kilometres and cycled for 20 minutes...and maybe talked for another 20 minutes...all tolled we were there for an hour.
We did not stop at Tim Hortons for dinner after because Catherine says (frequently now) that we are saving for our cruise to Alaska in May/June!...haha

Well don't forget to fill in the blanks. K__P _N BLO__ING....no not "Kelp in Bloating" try again.



Catherine subbed for the day yesterday and she came home very tired, but I still could not convince her to forgo the Reh-fit workout. You see I would have stayed home to take care of her too! We could only manage an hour workout. I was tired too, as I spent the day fixing the fence...measure, cut...measure, cut...screw (the boards...*really!) I also fixed the deadbolt on the backdoor. I got some graphite and it said in the instrucions to stick in the end and give it a little puff ...well, I guess I gave it too big a puff because it came *puffing* back at me and got all over my hands, shirt, etc. So much was in there that I could not get the key in all the way! WD-40 to the rescue!!!....a few good squirts and the whole thing was a gooey mess. But it now works real good! I also tried the WD-40 on the rear door lock on the passenger side of the car and it did not work ...it makes noise but I guess it just lost its fluxy! Maybe a shot of powdered *Viagra would make the little button pop up!

Seems the manageress (Doreen) of the gift shop at the Air Museum was let go today. I found this out when the General Manager of the museum called me personally to tell me. She called me personally because as she said, she did not want to lose anybody over this, especially a good, intelligent volunteer like me is. It should be exciting at the museum tomorrow morning! By the way who has a key!?!?

I was wondering where all the money was going this month until I realized that I had paid many of the bills twice! DUH.... Oh well, I'll be that much ahead next month.

Better go. Catherine has her Hip Hop class tonight and she is so looking forward to it!

REMEMBER KEEP ON BLOGGING...you know who you are! Who are you?



Went to see the play "Humble Boy" last night at the Theatre Centre. It was a good play competently played. I gave it 3 1/2 snores and Al gave it 3...the higher the number of snores the worse the play...so there you have it. Two people gave them a standing ovation. Linda Thorson (the one who took Emma Peel's place on 'the Avengers') was in it. She was good. Catherine liked the play, so I guess it had its points. The next play is "The night of the Iguana"...looking forward to that one.
After the play we went over to Pat and Paul's and had leftover turkey lasagna, with a Hollondaise sauce and chunky asparagus stalks...mmmmmmm, good thing there was lots of bread and wine. Played Trivial Pursuit......of course I won....heh heh heh.
Later...keep on blogging!



Gary has been here for a visit for the last 6 days. It has been a real good visit and shortly I am taking him to the airport for his trip back to Victoria. He came with me a couple of times to the Air Museum and he enjoyed it. The last time we went was on Friday. Our job was to help with the setup (tables and chairs, dance-floor in, dance-floor out) for the big "Out of the Blue" dinner and dance to be held today. Its the major fundraiser for the museum and is an anticipated event for the 'IGH muckey-mucks so that they will continue to support the museum. We are not going...too expensive...besides we are not 'IGH muckey-mucks. We are going to see a play..."The Humble Boy". This is the first play of six on our season tickets. Should be good. And afterwards we are going to Pat and Paul's place and we will order supper in.
Well, better get Gary to the airport.



Mom is home! Mom is home! and Gary is here too! Remember to blog! Remember to blog!

Last weekend the weather was nice and mild......but it always happens this way, just when Gary or Carol come for a visit the weather turns crappy. Just when you want the weather to be nice its crappy. Never fails.

We went out the LTOTP (Litlle trailer on the prairie) on Sunday. The intention was to try and winterize it. Well we succeded in getting a tarp over *most* of the trailer, but because of the tv antenna we couldn't cover all of it. We also could not drain the water heater so well just have to keep our fingers crossed....or get back out there with a proper sized *deep* socket. Well....maybe it would be a good idea.

Today we are going over to Moms to either visit or pick her up but we will deliver her groceries anyhow.

Better go for now....keft and bulging!



On my new phone I have a setting called 'countdown'. I am not sure what it does, but I assumed that it actually counted down the minutes, or some such. Anyways it has done nothing so far, no bells no whistles...and to see if you have a 'countdown' item, you have to go to 'settings', then 'countdown' and view the list of countdown items. What the hell good is that? Imagine sitting around and then wondering," I wonder if there are any countdowns that I should be concerned with?"...gee I'll have to do a search. Anyways, after all that, I have a contdown set until Gary arrives....lets see if it works this time!

I was out working at the Air museum today and a guy comes in and asks if the Voodoo is still around, shich of course it was. He told me his name was Brad Dolan and he used to pilot that very Voodoo. I did not believe him at first but assured me that he was in fact, the real Brad "the Bear" Dolan...just as its written on the side of our Voodoo. Neato, cool. Oh yeah, "Moose" sat in the rear seat.

Strange to think that there were large portions of Canada and the US that had drought conditions this summer. That was definitely no the case here, as we lost crops to 'drowning' and hail.

Well, better go and get some sleep.

Remember that its not, "how many astronomers does it take to screw in a light bulb", but, "How many light bulbs does it take to screw up an astromomer?"



There is a blog written by a woman with a great sense of humour. I love it! Her name is Helen Kirkwood; here is her blog and a line that I especially like from that blog:
"Well, we woke up Monday with nothing to do, and now it is Thursday and we still aren't finished!" Sometimes I feel like that!

I got a new cell phone today. A nice Samsung flip-phone. So I have spent the better part of the evening playing with it.....I loves toys. I found that you could download tunes and I downloaded "Come Together". woohoo

I picked up a movie too. Its called "Saved". I would recommend it. When it came out, this movie was heavily criticized by the Christian right because it really puts a spin on the duty of the extreme fundamentalists to interpret the bible literally. Life is not as black and white...would that it were!

Tomorrow I am working the morning at the Air Museum. I will be there next Wednesday and next Thursday mornings too. They are quite busy with their big "Out of the Blue" banquet that they put on annually. They hold it in the hangar and invite a bunch of dignitaries and some politico 'hangers-on'. We are not going because we are going to a play that night.

Better get to bed and rest my foot! Keft und blooging...y'all.

Check out google to see that new google tool that lets people simultaneously search the web and their personal computers for information. neato!

I see where the war in Iraq is still not going as well as Bush and Cheney believe. Two bombs explode in the Iraqi "Green Zone". I see all the American men and women that are dying in Iraq are in their early to mid 20's. I have a daughter that is in that age group and it really brings it home to me. War is cruel, and there is no way to justify it. I remember that during the Vietnam war Time magazine used to post the pictures of all the soldiers that died during that week. There were always 50 or so and they were all in their teens to early 20's.

What's up with the shortage of flu vaccine in the USA? And now they want to buy some from Canada? How is that possible? Aren't they taking a huge risk, after all Bush says that you can't trust drugs from Canada. Huge paradox that Dubya.

Looking forward to seeing Gary in Winnipeg. Don't worry, the weather is a little brisk but that just makes you walk faster! About 12 degrees is seasonal and last week we were in the 20's but this week we are well below that. BRING YOUR WOOLY SOCKS (you know the ones that have 'left' and 'right' indicated on them!)

Go in peace people....go in peace.....and blog before you go!


If cats and dogs could blog..... Posted by Hello



Check out the Beluga cam at Vancouver Aquarium!

Check out Margot's new blog!

Terrible plane crash in Halifax! Read the full story here.

Some debate. I have watched all three debates and I really don't understand why people still support Bush. Kerry is intelligent, well-spoken, a man with a vision. Bush is a man with no plans and no vision ...not even hindsight! Also BUSH LIED...PEOPLE DIED! I think that kerry finally has the advantage, for the time being anyways.

Think that you can no longer say that Canada and the US have the world's longest undefended border since the US has increasingly beefed up defenses along it. So much for friendly neigbours. The US is getting more isolationist and in a way you can't blame them but I feel that is the wrong way to go. Sure, make sure that you know the people that you let cross the borders but trust that not everyone is a terrorist. Its ironic that with all the beefed up security that the one terrorist that did cross the border in a car to do harm to the US was caught by an older female border guard who said that he just looked fishy when he drove off the ferry....that was BEFORE they 'beefed' up the US/Canada border. They really should be careful not to piss us off ...remember the war of 1812! Canada even burned Washington...mind you the US has more weapons now and they might put up a better denfence of their capitol! HeeHee




I should make a movie and call it "My Left Foot" 

But that has been taken and it is my right foot that is sore, so I'll have to call it "My Right Foot". It is still red and a bit swollen....not as much as before but the last round of medicine did not clear it up completely. I went to my doctor (Craig Hildahl) yesterday and he said that it is not progressing as much as it should...no kidding. So, here we go with round three! This time it is the anti-biotic called Tequin or as it is more commonly known, gatifloxacin. I hope this works! I just got back from the Re-fit Centre and I am not tired!...Of course I didn't do much. I put down my name for a cycle but got carried away talking to someone that I forgot about it. The most exercise I got was two turns around the track. Maybe I should say two hobbles(?) around the track!

Well, better go....you see there is a debate on and I would not want to miss it....heheheheh (with appropriate shoulder shrugs)...thats my blog impersonation of George Dubya. Go Geaorge! Nucular threat! hehehehe

For Pete's sake KEEP ON BLOGGING

I should make a movie and call it "My Left Foot"


English language police. Dave Barry column 


Join us now for another rendition of ''Ask Mister Language Person,'' the only grammar column mentioned by name in the Bible, as well as the official grammar column of the American Association of English Teachers in the Staff Lounge Counting the Days Until Retirement.
BY DAVE BARRY ....its a hoot! I'd like a cup of mochamaximagrossogrande, please, with two sugars.

English language police. Dave Barry column

Check out Gary's blog for pics. 

Nice pictures of Momsy's visit in Victoria. Man, how big was the turkey they had at Lyn's & Alans Thanksgiving dinner?!?! 18 people?? See Gary's blog here. Also, check out his banner! Where does he come up with these things???

Check out Gary's blog for pics.


Gobble gobble gobble 

We had a wonderful turkey dinner with all the trimmings at Al and Janine's place today. Caesar salad, bbq grilled veggies, creamed asparagus in puff pastry, corn, stuffing, turkey lurkey and gravy, and to top it off blueberry pie with severly whipped cream....ooowwwweeee! mmmm

Paul and Pat were their with their son Eric. Al and Janine's daughter was there with her son Caleb. It was nice to be together with friends on Thanksgiving. After dinner we played 'chase the ace' and of course I won......almost $3.00! Wahoo.

We didn't do much else today. We saved the NYT x-word puzzle for tomorrow...look forward to that.

Gee, Gary is coming next week and I don't have an itinerary.

Keep on flogging!

Dennis and Catherine Ousey wish you a happy Thanksgiving

Gobble gobble gobble

Beautiful fall plummage of the magnificent Thunderchild mock-crabapple tree situated in our front yard. Posted by Hello



Flog your blog! 

Hello there! Just thought that I would get up at 6 AM Sunday morning and flog a little. Seems like that the most flogging has been done between Gary and I. Doesn't anyone else have anything to share....even a little?? A joke maybe even.

The weather has been beautiful here lately, warm and lots 'o sun....having said that now it will turn cold just as Gary arrives for his visit just like it did for Carol's visit. The day she left it got to 27 degs. I hope we get a long mild fall, we deserve it for getting crappy weather all summer.

Catherine said that we should put up the Yuletide (alright, Xmas but that's as far as I go!) lights. But I said Nay, nay, brother Gary is coming and it would be remiss of us to not let him help put the lights up!.....he enjoys it so much.

Glad to hear that Momsy is having a good time. I wish we could be at Lyn's for turkey dinner...that would make it an even 20? We have been invited out to Al and Janine's for turkey dinner so Catherine has reintroduced Mr. turkey lurkey to the freezer and we will have it next Sunday when Gary is here. When does Gary arrive anyway...I wish that I had an itinerary.

Well better go, the rest of the house is stirring *Yawn*Yawn*woof*woof*


Flog your blog!


Weapons of mass distraction 

Its fun to look back at the CATO institutes take on weapons of mass destruction that Bush et al were looking for. "Patience is required to find the WMD's" says Wolfowitz, as if that is what they were allowing the UN inspectors!

The debate......mark up another one of Kerry. After both side's spin doctors had their say, it looks as if Bush may have held his own and showed up for this debate but he was still outshined by Kerry. The CNN polls showed 48 - 46 in Kerry's favour and I think that is about right. The subject of abortion came up and that resulted in Kerry saying that he has his own personal personal beliefs but as president he would have to honour everyones belief systems such as Jews, Muslims and even, yes even, Atheists and agnostics. Separation of church and state...Jefferson would be proud. Bush said that he would not want to live in a country where kids in classrooms would not be able to say "one nation under God" when they say the pledge of allegiance, even though that was thrown into the pledge in the 50's by some Christian zealots. The trouble with things like adding that to the pledge is that it is is realtively easy to do and a lot harder to undo. (rant du jour!)

Did you hear that the town Nelson (?) B.C. is erecting a statue commemorating the vietnam draft dodgers? Sad part is that there were as many Canadian boys going to the States to fight in the Vietnam war as there were American boys dodging the draft. I'll never understand how the Americans can allow men from other countrys to fight in their wars. Maybe it is not so hard to understand. Bush made a magnanimous move to make all the boys, currently fighting for the US in Iraq, American citizens. So nice of him.

Good night last night. We watched a movie, "The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". Jim Carrey as in it and he was good. He is a good actor when he is controlled. The movie was interesting, if a bit hard to follow in parts. I'd give it a 7 out od 10. Catherine liked it too. Then the Bomber game was on....they lost 21 - 13 to the Hamilton Tie-cats. Then the debate was repeated at midnight.....I watched that until 2 AM.

Joke du jour:
A gushy reporter told Jack Nicklaus, "You are spectacular, and your name is synonymous with the game of gold. You really know your way around a golf course. What is your secret?" Nicklaus replied, "The holes are numbered."

Another one:
A man comes home from work and is greeted by his wife who is wearing nothing but a sexy little nightie. "Tie me up," she purrs, "and you can do anything you want." So he ties her up and goes out for a round of golf.

Remember Keep on Flogging!!!!!

Weapons of mass distraction


This land is your land....this land is my land 

There is a good, funny site at www.jibjab.com . A take off on "This Land" and a new song, "It's good to be in DC". LOL

I see by Gary's blog that Momsy and Carol made it to Victoria safely. Gary also mentions a "Fifth Estate" program about Dick Chehey that appeared on CBC last Wednesday. See the link here. One really wonders why this type of investigative journalism is not being done in the USA. Do they all have their heads in the sand? The debate tonight should be good. This is probably Bush's last chance to turn the GOP boat around. Kerry's strength is in the debate and in a 'town hall' setting he should shine. I don't think Bush can think on his feet and he tends to come off as smug and arrogant.

My foot is still sore but definitely improved. I still have trouble walking as my foot is still swollen on the bottom.

I attended a meeting of the Humanists executive yesterday. We made plans for some future speakers and the upcoming Winter solstice party. Catherine and I will do some Trivial Pursuit thing for the party, it should be fun.

Anyhow, please don't let there be a BLOGVOID.......it could be a baaaad thing...and we don't want that do we?

This land is your land....this land is my land


Cheney vs Edwards 

Cheney made a blunder when he told people to get the true facts on Haliburton go to a website called www.factcheck.com (an anti-Bush site by George Soros!), when what he should have said was www.factcheck.org . The ironic part is that the .org site would not have helped Cheney anyway because it substantiated Edwards claims. And now I see the the .org site is yanked.
I personally saw a young vice-presidential hopeful who was competent, learned and forthright, and who had a plan. He also had a handle on the facts. In Cheny I saw a patronizing, smug old fool who could barely defend himself, much less his puppet Bush. Edwards won hands down!...now wether that translates into votes, who knows? It can't hurt and it kind of sets the stage for Kerry to whop Bushes ass in the Friday 'townhall' debate. Bush is already at a dissadvantage at a townhall because he can't think on his feet and Kerry is good at that.
I see where the GOP is taking Michael Moore to court for encouraging people to register to vote by offering them fruit of the loom 3/pack underwear and instant noodles (both for the lazy guys like him!). The GOP says that amounts to bribery in Michigan! I think that they are desperate that the 'GET RID OF BUSH' campaign is really working!
There were some polls conducted in Canada with regards to the US election and Kerry was selected over Bush by about 60% to 20% and in Quebec the gap was evven larger at 69% to 9%. This gives you an indication as to how the rest of the world perceives Bush and his cronies...not good. Its kind of funny to hear Americans talk as to how they are the only 'super power' left in the world. They do not even consider Europe with its comparable population of 350,000,000 people and its huge economy as being a competitor. They really need someone like Kerry to mend those fences because to re-elect Bush for another 4 years would drive an even bigger wedge between the USA and the rest of the world. Martha would say it but I will That's not good.
All together now...no more Bush!...no more Bush!....Oh and keep on blogging.

Cheney vs Edwards


Victoria here they come!!!!  

Today we took Paul, a recent zipper club member, to his doctor for his first appointment since his bypass 2 weeks ago. We dropped him off and then went over to Nana's place to deliver her medications so that she can go on her trip to Victoria Wednesday. We straightened her meds out and told her what she could and could not take on the plane. When we left her she was still packing her bags. Tomorrow we will pick up both Carol and Nana and take them to the airport.

I would imagine that they arrive in Victoria in the early afternoon. I hope Nana has a nice trip.

Victoria here they come!!!!

Cellulitus update...stardate 2004...October 

My foot was smarting....throbbing. It was difficult to put on my socks. It just lay there red and lifeless.....my foot. "Not getting better!" I said to Catherine, "Not bloody getting better!" Get thee to the Doctor said she! so I callst my Doc and he says to come in and bring my foot. "Ah, cellulitis", says the Doc. "Not good".............I agree. "The antibiotic prescribed by the good folks at the Victorias Secret Hospital previous seems not to be working", says I perfunctorily. "Then you shall start a new course of antibiotic...the cadillac of antibiotics.....Levaquin*", it'll cure ya! "Take these for eight days and call me in the morning! Next Tuesday morning that is."

Cellulitus update...stardate 2004...October


If Iraq really is part of the war on terror, aren't we losing? 

This is a good article. It suggests that Kerry should acquiesce on the fact that Iraq really is part of the battle against terrorism, declaring Bush the victor. Kerry should desist from debating what is amounting to semantics and simply judge the president on his record in Iraq. After all Bush claims that he is the best qualified candidate to oversee the quagmire that he created!

Anyways..... Carol was here for dinner last night. Sirloin steaks with 'shrooms, along with a broccoli salad and some veggies and of course a nice aussie 'Bin 45' cabernet saugivnon made for a nice dinner. We listened to some nice blues music from that great blues band 'The Wharf Street blues band' from Victoria. You oughta get their CD, its great!

Remember the movie "My Left Foot" well, I could make a movie called "My Right Foot". My right foot is still sore with cellulitus. It is still not improving, in fact it is feeling worse. I give up and am going to see my doctor this afternoon and get some advice. Could it be "TOE-maine" poisoning???? Should I call a "TOE-truck"........no really the pain extends from my foot to my ass....yeah, its getting to be a pain in the ass.

Mount St. Helens is corrupting and making an ash of itself. I remember in 1980 when it erupted and I was playing baseball in the evening that the ash was passing over Winnipeg. The next morning they said, "for goodness sake do not exercize outdoors". This was a concern, but upon thinking about it, the type of baseball we played was not one where we ended up actually breathing hard! It got to be a routine for us to be losing our game by 10 runs by the 5th inning so we could quit and get to the pub. But that evening we could look up to where the sun was and just see a faint disk, while the rest of the sky was turned white. Amazing when you think that Mount St. Helens is roughly 2000 Kilometers from here. Hey, I learned a new word, "SEISMICITY".

Remember....bloooging ist gud!

If Iraq really is part of the war on terror, aren't we losing?


Who needs men? We'll dance by ourselves! Posted by Hello


Bill and Darlene...I think Bill said he ate 9 lobsters. Posted by Hello


Bring on dem lobstas! Weese ready! Posted by Hello


Pat and Paul waiting for lobsters....and this is 10 days after Paul had a quintuple bypass! Posted by Hello


So many lobsters....so little time 

We had a great time at the lobster fest last night and here are some pics from it.

keft und bloooging

So many lobsters....so little time

So many lobsters....so little time 

I don't know maybe I ate 6 or 7...anyhow, it sure was good! 1200 people and if you figure around 5 each on average....well, a lot of lobsters were consumed. The first lobster came cold as a kind of appetizer and after that they were all hot. The meal came with caesar salad and a great dish of wild rice. Dancing afterwards but not for me because I got a sore foot. The music was good though.
I discovered a good way to eat lobsters. (1) twist off the claws and use the cracker and scoop out the meat, (2) break off the tail from the carapace by bending backwards, (3) take the atil and break off the tail fins at the bottom, then push the meat out through the bottom with a pick and the meat meat comes out the top in one piece. neat, (4) break open the carapace by breaking open like opening up your sneaker to put it on. There is some meat under the carapace and also some green stuff called 'tamale' which is supposed to be a delicacy.
There are some pics from the event.


So many lobsters....so little time


Just like we're moving! 

We went to the lake yesterday to winterize the trailer and it took most of the afternoon to do it. We picked up Nana in the morning and brought her home to babysit the dog so we would not be bothered with looking out for her at the trailer. Nana will also babysit tonight when we go to the 'Lobster Fest' and she will be here tomorrow when Carol comes to dinner....we will barbecue some steaks....let's see, me, Cath, Nana, Carol and Suzie ...thats 5. heeheehee

Carol phoned this morning and said that she had received her lost luggage at 11 PM last night.

My foot is still sore and healing slowly. If it isn't any better by Monday then I shall have to seek medical attention, my doctor, pain doctor, any doctor, witch doctor...that doctor! Suzie has been limping around the house the last few days and I think that it is sympathy pains....well, it gets her more cookies. I'll have to whittle her some little crutches...2 or 4??? Hmmmm

Well, better go....6 hours and 24 minutes until ...LOBSTER TIME. I wonder how many I can eat???? Lets see Raw or Cooked? hmmm cooked preferred. Head or tails??? TAILS, everytime. I don't know what they call that green stuff is but it looks suspiciously like the glue I used in grade 1 !? A BIB A BIB MY KINGDOM FOR A BIB! People get dressed up for this fest for some stupid reason. Thats it....put a suit on and then strap on a bib and eat lobster!! Egads, sir!! I'll have a lobster or two for you Gary!! What are you eating tonight, Gary?....no Juniors...no chilli cheese nip and fries for you! Well, don't starve.

Keep on blogging..........

Just like we're moving!


Call that a debate???? 

too structured.....not enough interaction. too scripted! But even under these constraints Kerry was the winner.
I thought the best line was by George Bush, "If you want to lead a country, you can't send mexed missages!" What a goof.
I understand the Lyn and Rachel are coming out from Victoria for a visit in November. That is something that I can really look forward to! It will be nice to see them! Also, I think Carol is in the city for a visit but she is not staying with us and we have not heard from her. She is probably out spending time at the casino.

Call that a debate????

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