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Went to see the play "Humble Boy" last night at the Theatre Centre. It was a good play competently played. I gave it 3 1/2 snores and Al gave it 3...the higher the number of snores the worse the play...so there you have it. Two people gave them a standing ovation. Linda Thorson (the one who took Emma Peel's place on 'the Avengers') was in it. She was good. Catherine liked the play, so I guess it had its points. The next play is "The night of the Iguana"...looking forward to that one.
After the play we went over to Pat and Paul's and had leftover turkey lasagna, with a Hollondaise sauce and chunky asparagus stalks...mmmmmmm, good thing there was lots of bread and wine. Played Trivial Pursuit......of course I won....heh heh heh.
Later...keep on blogging!

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