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Gobble gobble gobble 

We had a wonderful turkey dinner with all the trimmings at Al and Janine's place today. Caesar salad, bbq grilled veggies, creamed asparagus in puff pastry, corn, stuffing, turkey lurkey and gravy, and to top it off blueberry pie with severly whipped cream....ooowwwweeee! mmmm

Paul and Pat were their with their son Eric. Al and Janine's daughter was there with her son Caleb. It was nice to be together with friends on Thanksgiving. After dinner we played 'chase the ace' and of course I won......almost $3.00! Wahoo.

We didn't do much else today. We saved the NYT x-word puzzle for tomorrow...look forward to that.

Gee, Gary is coming next week and I don't have an itinerary.

Keep on flogging!

Dennis and Catherine Ousey wish you a happy Thanksgiving

Gobble gobble gobble
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