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Terrible plane crash in Halifax! Read the full story here.

Some debate. I have watched all three debates and I really don't understand why people still support Bush. Kerry is intelligent, well-spoken, a man with a vision. Bush is a man with no plans and no vision ...not even hindsight! Also BUSH LIED...PEOPLE DIED! I think that kerry finally has the advantage, for the time being anyways.

Think that you can no longer say that Canada and the US have the world's longest undefended border since the US has increasingly beefed up defenses along it. So much for friendly neigbours. The US is getting more isolationist and in a way you can't blame them but I feel that is the wrong way to go. Sure, make sure that you know the people that you let cross the borders but trust that not everyone is a terrorist. Its ironic that with all the beefed up security that the one terrorist that did cross the border in a car to do harm to the US was caught by an older female border guard who said that he just looked fishy when he drove off the ferry....that was BEFORE they 'beefed' up the US/Canada border. They really should be careful not to piss us off ...remember the war of 1812! Canada even burned Washington...mind you the US has more weapons now and they might put up a better denfence of their capitol! HeeHee


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