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Mom is home! Mom is home! and Gary is here too! Remember to blog! Remember to blog!

Last weekend the weather was nice and mild......but it always happens this way, just when Gary or Carol come for a visit the weather turns crappy. Just when you want the weather to be nice its crappy. Never fails.

We went out the LTOTP (Litlle trailer on the prairie) on Sunday. The intention was to try and winterize it. Well we succeded in getting a tarp over *most* of the trailer, but because of the tv antenna we couldn't cover all of it. We also could not drain the water heater so well just have to keep our fingers crossed....or get back out there with a proper sized *deep* socket. Well....maybe it would be a good idea.

Today we are going over to Moms to either visit or pick her up but we will deliver her groceries anyhow.

Better go for now....keft and bulging!

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