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Weapons of mass distraction 

Its fun to look back at the CATO institutes take on weapons of mass destruction that Bush et al were looking for. "Patience is required to find the WMD's" says Wolfowitz, as if that is what they were allowing the UN inspectors!

The debate......mark up another one of Kerry. After both side's spin doctors had their say, it looks as if Bush may have held his own and showed up for this debate but he was still outshined by Kerry. The CNN polls showed 48 - 46 in Kerry's favour and I think that is about right. The subject of abortion came up and that resulted in Kerry saying that he has his own personal personal beliefs but as president he would have to honour everyones belief systems such as Jews, Muslims and even, yes even, Atheists and agnostics. Separation of church and state...Jefferson would be proud. Bush said that he would not want to live in a country where kids in classrooms would not be able to say "one nation under God" when they say the pledge of allegiance, even though that was thrown into the pledge in the 50's by some Christian zealots. The trouble with things like adding that to the pledge is that it is is realtively easy to do and a lot harder to undo. (rant du jour!)

Did you hear that the town Nelson (?) B.C. is erecting a statue commemorating the vietnam draft dodgers? Sad part is that there were as many Canadian boys going to the States to fight in the Vietnam war as there were American boys dodging the draft. I'll never understand how the Americans can allow men from other countrys to fight in their wars. Maybe it is not so hard to understand. Bush made a magnanimous move to make all the boys, currently fighting for the US in Iraq, American citizens. So nice of him.

Good night last night. We watched a movie, "The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". Jim Carrey as in it and he was good. He is a good actor when he is controlled. The movie was interesting, if a bit hard to follow in parts. I'd give it a 7 out od 10. Catherine liked it too. Then the Bomber game was on....they lost 21 - 13 to the Hamilton Tie-cats. Then the debate was repeated at midnight.....I watched that until 2 AM.

Joke du jour:
A gushy reporter told Jack Nicklaus, "You are spectacular, and your name is synonymous with the game of gold. You really know your way around a golf course. What is your secret?" Nicklaus replied, "The holes are numbered."

Another one:
A man comes home from work and is greeted by his wife who is wearing nothing but a sexy little nightie. "Tie me up," she purrs, "and you can do anything you want." So he ties her up and goes out for a round of golf.

Remember Keep on Flogging!!!!!

Weapons of mass distraction
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