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Ouch, rocket factory, dollar store, and World Police  

OOOuch! root canals....I hates root canals. I had a root canal recenly...hey it was a tooth with a cap too. It got infected (or absessed as they called it!)....how can it hurt if its dead? anyhow, klike Gary, the dentist drilled through the cap and root canaled it and plugged it. But he didn't have to come in on a Saturday to do it, so I got the regular rates. Only cost me enough to earn him another gold tap for his guest bedroom. Just got back from lunch. An old friend of mine from my procurement days at the Bristol rocket factory just sold his company and he plans on taking it easy for a while. I think that this stress thing is getting to everyone..... I had better put in a word for him at the Dollar Store! They need more price checkers..."price check aisle 3!".....uh...dollar? No stress there! No seriously though, these companys nowadays are expecting way too much from their employees....10-12 hour days are common. And they are suprised when it causes people to burn out. Give your head a shake...get off the merry-go-round and regain your sensibilities! STAND UP AGAINST THE OPPRESSIVE BOURGEOISEE...then take a nap because you always think better after a nap.Beautiful day today...about 4 degrees C...thats about 38 degs F... Hope the weathers is nice for the visit from George Bush. A lot of speculation on CNN as to the reception he will get here. I think he will be received quite cordially. Afterall we are Canadians and we have always been taught to receive our guests graciously...even the ones who put up duties on our softwood lumber and won't let our cattle cross the border. Lets see Rick Mercer has a name for that person.......now what was it?? um. Oh yes, Arsehole! Tom Axworthy wrote a column about how Canada will have to be more assertive to be able to gain the respect of the peoples of the USA......I think just the opposite....The USA must be less aggressive to the rest of the world. They cannot be the World's Police...no one asked them too. Well that is my tirade du jour... better get to the Reh-fit!keep blogging

Ouch, rocket factory, dollar store, and World Police


Alaska, Efram, Chinese food, human nature, Kookie and Iguanas 

Our first cruise....ever. We are so looking forward to the cruise, um, next spring (a short 7 months away...mental note:must get cruise-wear). So much to do; so little time. Must check out the Seranade of the Seas health record. Got to check into the various side trips available in each port....got to remember to pack some port! So many things to do....got to pack; well we got some new luggage, anyways.

Catherine and I went to see "The Night of the Iguana"...I gave it 5...count 'em, 5 naps! A real bummer. You know, the play is not bad ie. the writing by Tennessee Williams is good but it takes a special talent to bring them to life. Stefanie Zimbalist was the bright spot in the whole darn thing...Efram wasn't bad either (although he played a much more demanding role in "77 Sunset Strip"...next to Kookie, he was my favourite!). But the rest of the acting was mediocre at best. 5 naps! Al would be proud! The iguana was good...very convincing.

After the play we got Chinese and came back to our place. In the spirit of Hyacinthe Bouquet I placed the Royal Carribean Alaska Cruise brochure in a conspicuous place (right in front of their noses really) and waited for the gasps of "ooooo aaaaahhhh are you going on a trip, a cruise?" "Nice, I'll bet that you will have fun, it will be great!"....but no, it was a very non-plussed reaction all round and things like "My Mother, uncle Aunt, sister, a friend of a friend's cousin went on many cruises...many". You know people just don't get it; they can't just be happy for you and leave it at that! why is that? I'll never understand human nature....me and Kookie.

Well, better go. I have to drive Catherine to a baby shower...Doug and Daina's daughter Christine had a baby. This is the girl who took ferility drugs and gave premature birth to quintuplets and they all died within days of each other. We are glad this new baby is healthy.

Keep on blogging....nice pic of Jack boys on his site!

Alaska, Efram, Chinese food, human nature, Kookie and Iguanas


what a hoot! I can check out through the 'extreme tracking' button on my blogsite exactly how people end up on my site. Some do it through searching specific words, here are some of them:
-ambidextrous + scallywags
-george + bush + affair + condolezza + rice
-foxy + brown + wardrobe + malfunction
-cellulitus + throbbing + pain
and my favourite!
-jeannies + bakery + winnipeg + MB

Well its off to see a play this afternoon. The play is " The Night of the Iguana", a play by Tennesee Williams made famous in the movie with Liz Taylor and that Welshman.... Darrin McGavin....no, her ex hubby....Broderick....'The Wild Bunch'...'On the Waterfront'.....'The God Father'....anyhow, he is dead now. It should be good...Efram Zimbalist '3' is in it with his daughter Stefanie Zimbalist '1'. After the play we shall retire to our house (what we like to call 'Le Petit Chou')...Mercedes, swimming pool and room for a pony....not. We will partake of an exuberant round of Trivial Pursuit...for which I have studied for many years. We will avail ourselves of the 'take out' service at our local Chinese eatery 'Oceana'...Dinna fo six preeze no egg loll! Hope the play is good. Al will not be there to do the 'snore' rating because he is playing in a bridge tournament, so I will have to carry the onerous load of the critic myself....one nap good, 3 naps bad!

Better go get ready.......tata....oh and keep on blogging....BTW see Jack's blog for a new pic of the boys posted today at 10:30 AM.


Happy Birthday Jack. The big 49.... Check out the picture and note the American flag coming out of his neck! And see on the map where he has highlighted Bush's home state of Texas in red! arrrrgggghhh Posted by Hello



"The Cool Jazz Collection" 

Cooool Jaaaazz; Ella, Miles, Billie, Buble, Dusk, Cole, Etta
This collection is great....cool man, cool. Been on the blues, jazz kick since Alan and the Wharf Street Blues band reminded me of it. This is one great compilation. Etta, Ella, Miles, Sergio, Sarah, Billie, Dinah, Louis, the Count and new people like Bet and Stef, Matt Dusk, and Michael Buble and a whole lot of others. It is a double disk set and there are 36 cuts on it......great...all you crazy cats must go out and get it now you hear?!

I wish that it would stop snowing so I can get out and golf! nyuk nyuk There is such a thing called 'snow golf'. You have to paint your balls bright orange and you play until they turn a bright blue! Actually, in my younger years kiddies, I used to play snow-ball. Baseball in the snow...it was a real hoot and the longer the game and the more anti-freeze you got into, the more fun we had. Actually I like winter sports; like ice fishing. We used to go out and take a chainsaw and cut a slit accross the river in order to do some trolling....nyuk nyuk. Sometimes it took all day to get a hole dug deep enough just to geet the boat in! Oh puleeze...enough, enough!

Went to the museum again today to help with the Christmas...er Solstice er, HOLIDAY decorations. We put up lights, holly, a couple of trees and viola!...the job is done! Last night Catherine and I went out to Canadian Tire (here we prefer to call it Ukrainian Tire!) and bought a new tree...a four foot fibre optic special. Catherine talked me into it. She claims that we must start 'getting rid of some of our STUFF'. I don't understand how buying new stuff gets rid of the old stuff but then I guess that I am just a guy and not as 'logical' as a woman... she claims that with a new 'smaller' tree we can sell our old artifical 6 foot 'monster' of a tree along with the decorations in a yard sale next summer.... I am not sure how it will be to sell artificial Xmas trees, replete with decorations in July...but then I am just a man, what do I know.

Well....let the Season and the Holidays roll over us like a fog and smother us in good cheer huzzah huzzah. And a happy Thanksgiving to all Americans! Turkey on the platter...turkey in the Whitehouse. Did I tell you that George Dubya is coming to Canada! He will not be speaking in the house of Parliament and that is pretty wise decision because there is a slight chance that he would be heckled...they did it to Ole Ronny "Twenty Mule Team" Reagan.

Well, better go...keep blogging.

"The Cool Jazz Collection"


CBC.ca - Weather 

CBC.ca - Weather

Well, it had to happen sooner or later. Winter is with us once more. All in all it has been a long and pleasant fall. Last night we had our first snow. It was raining when we went for a workout and when we went to go home it was snowing...big smooshy flakes. We have 162 words for snow including smooshy, scrunchy, popcorn and big frigging glops.

Not much is happening today. Me and the dog are at home and Catherine is subbing today....it figures that she would get called this AM because of the snow last night. All my neighbours were out early this morning shovelling snow; we didn't really get much (just a skiff) but some guys just can't wait! Gordie (Mr. Machine) was out there with his shovel and leaf blower clearing his driveway. Its a wonder that he didn't fire up his John Deere snow-blower, but that would have been overkill, even for him!

Reading a book called "How to be a Canadian" by Will & Ian Ferguson. Here is a quote on "How to insult Canadians and other valuable skills":

We'll start with the basics; regional identity. Every region in Canada hates/resents/looks down upon every other region- often at the same time. It is very important that you learn the local lingo. You can't go around calling Albertans 'Herring chokers' or Maritimers 'rig pigs' It just won't do. Here is a list of the very worst things you can call someone:
-on the west coast: "tree hugging"; "granola munching"; "commie"
-in western Canada: "red-neck"; "fundamentalist"; "nazi"
-in Toronto: "not from a world class city"
-Anywhere in Canada: "Torontonian"
-in Quebec (when addressing english speakers): "Tête Carrée "(square heads); "maudits Anglais"(cursed English)
-in Quebec (when addressing French speakers): "Canadian"
-in the Maritimes: "Newfie"
-in Newfoundland: "Maritimer"

This will be useful in increasing both the range of your descriptions and the depth of your discussions. For example, say you are discussing a film with someone from Vancouver:
-Vancouver type person: "I thought the movie was pretty good."
-original reply: "I disagree."
now here is the revised and improved version:
-Vancouver type person "I thought the movie was pretty good."
-revised statement: "I disagree, you granola-munching, tree-hugging Commie."

You can see how much this sort of thing contributes to the national dialogue!


Well better go for now......gee with Thanksgiving in the USA, one would think that a blog update would be in order!............keep blogging.

CBC.ca - Weather


Kevin Sites Blog 

Kevin Sites Blog
Here is the blogsite of the reporter in Iraq that filmed the young soldier shooting the unarmed, dying Iraqi in a FallujaMosque. The price of this insane war is too high...for both sides.
Here is a quote from the blogsite:

So here, ultimately, is how it all plays out: when the Iraqi man in the mosque posed a threat, he was your enemy; when he was subdued he was your responsibility; when he was killed in front of my eyes and my camera -- the story of his death became my responsibility.

The burdens of war, as you so well know, are unforgiving for all of us.

Kevin Sites Blog


IFILM - Movies, Trailers, Music and Viral Videos 

IFILM - Movies, Trailers, Music and Viral Videos
Here is a good site. You can find the short 11 minute film called "Submission" by Theo Van Gogh. Theo Van Gogh was murdered by a muslim man after this film was released. Ths film is dubbed in english with dutch subtitles. A moving film.

IFILM - Movies, Trailers, Music and Viral Videos


Mangle Random Link Generator 

Mangle Random Link Generator

This is a hoot.....for the RANDOM mind....try it!

Mangle Random Link Generator

FDA named "Fraud and Drug Administration" by consumer health advocacy group 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, under sharp criticism for its drug safety behavior involving anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, and the silencing of its own drug safety scientists, has been offered a new name today: the Fraud and Drug Administration.

"Faster Death to Americans
Failure to Defend Americans
Fact Distortion Agency
Fund Dubya's Administration
Forever Drug Americans
Fraudulent Drug Approvals
Furtherment of Disease Alliance
Farcical Drug Authority
Federal Disinformation Association
Favoring Draconian Actions
Federal Drug Advocates
Facilitating the Drugging of America
Falsify and Distort Agency
Fatal Death Agency"

The FDA is the same agency that said that Canadian drugs were not safe...and therefore should not be trusted and should not be imported into the USA.

FDA named "Fraud and Drug Administration" by consumer health advocacy group


Hold on to your hats......Charlene blogged. Sounds like she (and Mike and the kids for that matter) is doing well. The coffee shop is a happening thing and the Holiday decorations are out! So nice to hear from them! And good luck Charlene on your adventure in business!


Etiquette around the world 

Looks like all is planned for the cruise in June. Should be fun and Catherine and I are looking forward to it very much. We have never been on a cruise and this is really the first chance . We are lucky to be going with two old....er seasoned cruise veterans.

I went to the dentist this AM to get a tooth looked at......it was either get it yanked out or get a root canal. I choose life! No, I chose the root canal. It turned out to be almost painless, but then again the darn tooth was dead. No freezing but no pain. I made a deal with Rick the dentist. Cash in an envelope.....this is what I am reduced to ..no insurance so its cash on the barrel head! Plain brown envelope with attn: Rick on the outside. Happy CHANUKAH Dr. Rick. Actually he is a nice guy and a real good dentist. Catherine and I have been going to him for years.

The museum is all abuzz with movie talk these days. A movie is being shot at the museum on Saturday and Sunday. I think that they are shooting in the 'Viscount'. The movie is all about Truman Capote and it is based on his his life as he was writing his book book "In Cold Blood". Set in the 60s, the film tracks Capote's relationship with murderer Perry Smith. There is no title yet but it stars Philip Seymour Hoffman. Hey, maybe if I hang around the set I will get in the movie! ...then I'll be discovered..then its Hollywood....too fast...my heart is beating too fast...must be calm.

Gee the weather has been nice. In the 8 to 10 degree range along with lots of sun and calm winds. Snow seems a distant thing.....I can wait. Green holidays??? Ya think? Could happen, last week I was still cutting the grass. C'mon greenhouse effect!

Keep on blogging!
Here is a piece on peace by a Canadian boy:
My ultimate dream for this world is that one day any person from any country, culture, race or religion will be able to walk free throughout any area in the entire world. As a race of humans we need unity and peace in our lives and around that simple base, we will evolve and become better people. when we put down the guns and let the smoke that is caused by hatred clear we will see eachother for what we really are: brothers, sisters... one big multi-cultural family. as a whole, we are an advanced culture that should be able to put aside our differences so that our children can live in a world free of violence, prejudice, poverty and hatred. That is my message.
Lexi, 17, Canada

Etiquette around the world


Happy birthday Mike. Why don't you blog and tell us a few things about you and your family...life in norther BC...life in general...How are the kids?... Posted by Hello



Yeah the grey cup.....woohoo...BC and Toronto and its in Ottawa too. Be still oh foolish heart.
We just got back from taking Lyn and Rachel to the airport. We had a real nice visit with them both. Lyn is such a sweetheart and Rachel is such a joy to be with. It was really a pleasure to see them both and have them stay with us. But next time make it at least three days!
I suffered last night with a toothache so I made an appointment with the dentist for this AM. My dentist is located at Polo Park, so it worked out well. Catherine and Lyn and Rachel did some shopping while I went to the dentist. Anyhow, the dentist said that I had an infection, and said that I must do a round of antibiotics before he can do anything about the tooth..............arg, after 4 rounds of antibiotics one would think that there is not a bacteria left in my body! But there you go. So I go back to the dentist on Thursday and I must decide whether to get a root canal or have him yank it. I have known Rick the dentist for a long while and he said that he would give me such a deal; I would not believe. I have a mind just to get it yanked...I am ready for not having any teeth...get them all yanked!....I'm ready for oatmeal and jello and soup....it aint that bad.
Well, better put me teeth in and get ready for supper.
Blogging is gud!



Lyn and Rachel are here! They had a nice visit with Merle Saturday and Sunday AM and we pciked them up at noon sunday. We went over to the Forks and had dinner at the Pancake House. We bummed around the Forks for a while and then picked up Nana and came home. Gotta rest up because we have a reservation at Oceana at 5:oopm. Lyn and Catherine took Suzie out for a walk in the park. We have a Jeannies cake to celebrate Nana's B'day........I luvs Jeannies cake.....dada dere da dere da dere da dere...... better go, I hear them coming in the back door.




The Gallery of Regrettable Foods 

Check out some of the foods featured on that web-site. Its a hoot ;-).

A nice day today....around 7 deg C., sunny, calm. I think Lyn and Rachel are in town........ I think. I hope someone picked them up at the airport?! We were not advised on the arrival departure dates/times, etc. We bought a Jeannies cake and will celebrate Nana's 86th birthday on Sunday when Lyn is here. We are going out for dinner...I think Oceana.

This afternoon and tonight we have the Humanist AGM followed by dinner and a speaker. Should be fun. Catherine is taking the laptop, upon which she will do the minutes.

This is the first week in about six weeks that I have been able to go for a workout all three times! Woohoo. It is surprising how out of shape you get ...I did some weights and I felt like a 98 lb weakling...or would that be three 98 lb weaklings, nyuk nyuk. Not quite, Bub, I still can get into a size 32 pant!....any longer and the bottoms have to be folded up!

My blood sugars are back to normal. They got reeeeally out of whack while I took anti-biotics. Now they are in the 7.5 range in the AM and after a workout they are in the 7/8 range (once a 5.4!). I have to make sure that I take in some food before I work out because my blood sugar could get too low (hypoglycemia) and that's no good. when it gets too low I start to shake and get all sweaty and dizzy....like when I had my first sex, of course it was worse then 'cause I was alone. bwahahaha.

Better go get ready. Blog soon..... Blog often.....hell, just blog!

The Gallery of Regrettable Foods


Margot Land 

Margot Land
Egads....Margot blogged. OK smarty pants.....a wine question, eh?.....What do you call a person that drinks too much wine?????? a winoserous.
Allright....what is the purpose of smelling the cork, once a wine bottle is open? ....What complements a 10 year old tawny port?....no not by saying, good port, nice port.

There is a sommelier course offered at the local wine shop here called Banville and Jones. You would make a good sommelier, since you lika da vino. I like the wine too, but the wine I can afford comes in a brown paper bag and you pass it around the campfire saying things like yeehaawww and flibbity-jibbits. The course is not cheap and consists of 3 parts...the first two cost around $500.00 and the third (mush more extensive one) runs for 6 months and costs around $2000.00......pass the bag, yeehaaww.....3 o'clock, a good year!

Catherine's dad was taking the salute at the Saint John, NB cenotaph as part of the Remembrance day services today. We watched for him on TV but we didn't see him.

I spent the day a the air Museum...talked to a few vets....as long as they want to talk, I'll listen. Sometimes it seems like the old timers, especially the vets, come there to tell old war stories...gotta love em. Catherine spent the day writing. she is starting another book. She loves to read her books to the children when she subs.

Well better go.....keep blogging!!!!!

Margot Land


Hello. It has been a busy few days. Looking forward to Lyn's trip out here. BTW I did get her pics of Alan and the Traveling Blues Brothers. haha.
Happy birthday Carol. Hope you had fun...let's see 62?!? An Irish pub is the way to go to warsh away those worries! Anyways, lang may your lum reek! ....long may your chimney smoke.
We picked up some groceries yesterday for Nana. We took them over to her place last night and found her playing cards.......for money! I hope she was winning. Yep, down and dirty 31! The Mennonite Christly Choir was singing there for entertainment, but it obviously that does not trump a good hand of 31!
My foot is finally on the mend. I finished the anti-biotics last Thursday and saw my Doctor on Tuesday and everything is fine. I went to the foot clinic on Tuesday too and they gave me ideas as to how to take care of my feet....like I should get inserts for my runners. Well, we'll see.
I think I've gotten over Dubya's election. 4 more years...keeps ringing in my ears. Those people have no idea how that affects other nations. The US dollar is being devalued like crazy against the Euro and the Canadian dollar. That cannot be good for them, however most of them do not travel much anyways.....that is except to go to war.
I am off to the Air Museum tomorrow to work the 'rememberance day' shift. Last year we had 260 visitors. It would be nice to see that again this year!
Well, logadioso, sayonara, aufweidersein(?), guten naben, 'night, see you tomorrow. Gotta pick up a Jeannies Cake! Yahoo



155,000 Americans hit on Canada Immigration website in one day alone...after the election. Are some ameericans disgruntled? YOU BET. Also, the front page of Nov 4th of the Daily Mirror in London showed a picture of Bush and the caption read "How could 59,054,087 Americans be so dumb?" NYUK NYUK....check it out at www.mirror.co.uk and follow the links.
 Posted by Hello

One thing about George 'Dubya' Bush...he makes me feel smart! I saw 'The Daily Show' the other day and they were talking about 'stem cell' research. They showed Mel Gibson defending Dubya's position by saying he did not know anybody...anybody who did not come from genes...not a soul could exist unless they existed as genes first. Well said Mel, but what about Adam and Eve? Helloooooo!

Well, we have put it off long enough. We have to get our lights up or you know slostice will be here before we know it! hehe

Well, getting tired now. I could not sleep because my foot is hurting again. I took a couple of tylenol and it feels better now so I'd better get some sleep. toodle-ooo keep blogging



OpenOffice.org: Home Page 

OpenOffice.org: Home Page

Loads of good appys here. I think Gary especially will enjoy, but knowing him he probably already knows all about it.

Congrats Gary on your 'lion of the year' award for meritorious service. I guess that was your mane goal...you should take pride in your acheivements.

Gary is one busy boy these days. sounds like interesting stuff involved with the strata council. And the big 51 for the lions chapter...how many is that in human years? And a good picture too. I will make sure Mom gets a copy.

I am finally finished my fourth round of antibiotics for my foot. I go to a 'foot clinic' on Tues. I don't know what they do there except give foot advice?....er how to take care of your feetsies. Well at least I was able to get out for 3 workouts this week. I did about 3 kliks each work out and 5 miles on the bikes and, I even got in some weights.

I cut the grass on Friday. It is still green and growing. It is 9 deg c out there today but it is supposed to get cooler towards the end of the week. I hope it is nice when Lyn and Rachel come.

Well, better go....nap time~~~~~ZZZZZZZ~~~~~keep blogging

OpenOffice.org: Home Page


I should not be too critical of George Dubya because after all he has never won an election before. What is four more years of ignorance, fear and intimidation. I see the "Coalition of the Unwilling" in Iraq is falling apart. Hungary has just announced that it will pull out its troops. Other nations that have recently announced withdrawals include: Poland, with 2,350 troops; Italy, 3,000; the Netherlands, 1,300; Ukraine, 1,450, Norway, 300; New Zealand, 61; and Thailand, 880.
Previously, Spain, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, the Philippines, the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan and El Salvador withdrew forces. Bush will have to use some diplomatic skills to keep that going...what did I just say?...bwahahahaha. Paul Martin was the first to call Dubya and cogratulate him on his big win...I guess he should have congratulated Karl Rove too, because he is the one that really won it for him. Anyhow, Paul Martin (Canada's Prime Minister for those of you that don't know) is not elected by the people of Canada, but rather his party is and he 'becomes' the PM if his party is elected. Martin wants the USA to open their borders to beef. How about this...the US wants some flu shots...how about attaching flu shots to each head of cattle and saying that it is a 'package deal'. Beef, softwood lumber, wheat, et al are problems for the USA...and they call that free trade....free for them maybe.

Now the democratic party in the US is doing some soul searching. Was Kerry the right man for the job? Was Kerry 'religious enough'? Was the democratic party ignoring the country bumkin 'fundie' voters? Would Dean have given them a better run? Too bad a nice guy like Kerry did not capture the attention of more of the right, but he would have had to compromise his values and he has done enough of that already.

Been busy with the museum. I worked there last Saturday, last Monday and Wednesday, and I will be there Saturday morning. I enjoy it. We have a Humanist group meeting of the executive tonight. Catherine is the new secretary and she is taing the laptop to try and capture the minutes. should be fun.

Well, better take the doggie out for a walk. toodle-ooo, ciao, longadioso, later....keep blogging!



"I hope we can begin the healing", John Kerry 

Crap, crap and double crap. The little emperor still thinks he is wearing clothes. Demosthenes is still out there looking for an honest man....Oh the insult, oh the pain. Oh crap. At least the good neigbours in COW (California, Oregon, Washington) voted for Kerry. Illinois to ...in a big way!...and New York and PA.
Here is a quote from Robert Novak (one of the conservative pundits on CNN's "Crossfire") :

Novak's pronouncement echoed a basic strategy of the Republicans, specifically Carl Rove, main tactical plotter for Bush: to get white, conservative, evangelical Protestants who for one reason or another didn't go out to vote for Bush in 2000, to get out and vote in 2004. Rove calculated that Bush missed out on around four million votes from this group in 2000. Republicans moved heaven and earth to get this sector out while reaching out to other sectors, including Latinos (who seem to have significantly gone over to Bush in Florida, in large part it is said, because of his brother's handling of things after the many hurricanes that struck the state).

A lot of 'politics' going on in the church...and the Church is not supposed to get involved in politics......that was given up by them when they applied for charitable status! Churches, especially the 'Fundies' in the southern States, were admonishing (from the pulpit) members to vote for Bush. They were handing out leaflets promoting Bush.

Bush is against 'stem cell research but the major research that he is not allowing is the use of 'fertilized eggs' in stem cell research....now by any definition....any definition, these eggs cannot become humans, or anything like a human being unless they are implanted in a woman's uterus. This esearch is what Cristopher Reeve was fighting for. But the fundies don't like it. And now they are even stronger that ever.

"I hope we can begin the healing", John Kerry


grufffff....elections tomorrow...grrrrr...hope that Bush guy does not get in...gggrrrrrrr


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