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"The Cool Jazz Collection" 

Cooool Jaaaazz; Ella, Miles, Billie, Buble, Dusk, Cole, Etta
This collection is great....cool man, cool. Been on the blues, jazz kick since Alan and the Wharf Street Blues band reminded me of it. This is one great compilation. Etta, Ella, Miles, Sergio, Sarah, Billie, Dinah, Louis, the Count and new people like Bet and Stef, Matt Dusk, and Michael Buble and a whole lot of others. It is a double disk set and there are 36 cuts on it......great...all you crazy cats must go out and get it now you hear?!

I wish that it would stop snowing so I can get out and golf! nyuk nyuk There is such a thing called 'snow golf'. You have to paint your balls bright orange and you play until they turn a bright blue! Actually, in my younger years kiddies, I used to play snow-ball. Baseball in the snow...it was a real hoot and the longer the game and the more anti-freeze you got into, the more fun we had. Actually I like winter sports; like ice fishing. We used to go out and take a chainsaw and cut a slit accross the river in order to do some trolling....nyuk nyuk. Sometimes it took all day to get a hole dug deep enough just to geet the boat in! Oh puleeze...enough, enough!

Went to the museum again today to help with the Christmas...er Solstice er, HOLIDAY decorations. We put up lights, holly, a couple of trees and viola!...the job is done! Last night Catherine and I went out to Canadian Tire (here we prefer to call it Ukrainian Tire!) and bought a new tree...a four foot fibre optic special. Catherine talked me into it. She claims that we must start 'getting rid of some of our STUFF'. I don't understand how buying new stuff gets rid of the old stuff but then I guess that I am just a guy and not as 'logical' as a woman... she claims that with a new 'smaller' tree we can sell our old artifical 6 foot 'monster' of a tree along with the decorations in a yard sale next summer.... I am not sure how it will be to sell artificial Xmas trees, replete with decorations in July...but then I am just a man, what do I know.

Well....let the Season and the Holidays roll over us like a fog and smother us in good cheer huzzah huzzah. And a happy Thanksgiving to all Americans! Turkey on the platter...turkey in the Whitehouse. Did I tell you that George Dubya is coming to Canada! He will not be speaking in the house of Parliament and that is pretty wise decision because there is a slight chance that he would be heckled...they did it to Ole Ronny "Twenty Mule Team" Reagan.

Well, better go...keep blogging.

"The Cool Jazz Collection"
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