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CBC.ca - Weather 

CBC.ca - Weather

Well, it had to happen sooner or later. Winter is with us once more. All in all it has been a long and pleasant fall. Last night we had our first snow. It was raining when we went for a workout and when we went to go home it was snowing...big smooshy flakes. We have 162 words for snow including smooshy, scrunchy, popcorn and big frigging glops.

Not much is happening today. Me and the dog are at home and Catherine is subbing today....it figures that she would get called this AM because of the snow last night. All my neighbours were out early this morning shovelling snow; we didn't really get much (just a skiff) but some guys just can't wait! Gordie (Mr. Machine) was out there with his shovel and leaf blower clearing his driveway. Its a wonder that he didn't fire up his John Deere snow-blower, but that would have been overkill, even for him!

Reading a book called "How to be a Canadian" by Will & Ian Ferguson. Here is a quote on "How to insult Canadians and other valuable skills":

We'll start with the basics; regional identity. Every region in Canada hates/resents/looks down upon every other region- often at the same time. It is very important that you learn the local lingo. You can't go around calling Albertans 'Herring chokers' or Maritimers 'rig pigs' It just won't do. Here is a list of the very worst things you can call someone:
-on the west coast: "tree hugging"; "granola munching"; "commie"
-in western Canada: "red-neck"; "fundamentalist"; "nazi"
-in Toronto: "not from a world class city"
-Anywhere in Canada: "Torontonian"
-in Quebec (when addressing english speakers): "Tête Carrée "(square heads); "maudits Anglais"(cursed English)
-in Quebec (when addressing French speakers): "Canadian"
-in the Maritimes: "Newfie"
-in Newfoundland: "Maritimer"

This will be useful in increasing both the range of your descriptions and the depth of your discussions. For example, say you are discussing a film with someone from Vancouver:
-Vancouver type person: "I thought the movie was pretty good."
-original reply: "I disagree."
now here is the revised and improved version:
-Vancouver type person "I thought the movie was pretty good."
-revised statement: "I disagree, you granola-munching, tree-hugging Commie."

You can see how much this sort of thing contributes to the national dialogue!


Well better go for now......gee with Thanksgiving in the USA, one would think that a blog update would be in order!............keep blogging.

CBC.ca - Weather
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