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OpenOffice.org: Home Page

Loads of good appys here. I think Gary especially will enjoy, but knowing him he probably already knows all about it.

Congrats Gary on your 'lion of the year' award for meritorious service. I guess that was your mane goal...you should take pride in your acheivements.

Gary is one busy boy these days. sounds like interesting stuff involved with the strata council. And the big 51 for the lions chapter...how many is that in human years? And a good picture too. I will make sure Mom gets a copy.

I am finally finished my fourth round of antibiotics for my foot. I go to a 'foot clinic' on Tues. I don't know what they do there except give foot advice?....er how to take care of your feetsies. Well at least I was able to get out for 3 workouts this week. I did about 3 kliks each work out and 5 miles on the bikes and, I even got in some weights.

I cut the grass on Friday. It is still green and growing. It is 9 deg c out there today but it is supposed to get cooler towards the end of the week. I hope it is nice when Lyn and Rachel come.

Well, better go....nap time~~~~~ZZZZZZZ~~~~~keep blogging

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