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Ouch, rocket factory, dollar store, and World Police  

OOOuch! root canals....I hates root canals. I had a root canal recenly...hey it was a tooth with a cap too. It got infected (or absessed as they called it!)....how can it hurt if its dead? anyhow, klike Gary, the dentist drilled through the cap and root canaled it and plugged it. But he didn't have to come in on a Saturday to do it, so I got the regular rates. Only cost me enough to earn him another gold tap for his guest bedroom. Just got back from lunch. An old friend of mine from my procurement days at the Bristol rocket factory just sold his company and he plans on taking it easy for a while. I think that this stress thing is getting to everyone..... I had better put in a word for him at the Dollar Store! They need more price checkers..."price check aisle 3!".....uh...dollar? No stress there! No seriously though, these companys nowadays are expecting way too much from their employees....10-12 hour days are common. And they are suprised when it causes people to burn out. Give your head a shake...get off the merry-go-round and regain your sensibilities! STAND UP AGAINST THE OPPRESSIVE BOURGEOISEE...then take a nap because you always think better after a nap.Beautiful day today...about 4 degrees C...thats about 38 degs F... Hope the weathers is nice for the visit from George Bush. A lot of speculation on CNN as to the reception he will get here. I think he will be received quite cordially. Afterall we are Canadians and we have always been taught to receive our guests graciously...even the ones who put up duties on our softwood lumber and won't let our cattle cross the border. Lets see Rick Mercer has a name for that person.......now what was it?? um. Oh yes, Arsehole! Tom Axworthy wrote a column about how Canada will have to be more assertive to be able to gain the respect of the peoples of the USA......I think just the opposite....The USA must be less aggressive to the rest of the world. They cannot be the World's Police...no one asked them too. Well that is my tirade du jour... better get to the Reh-fit!keep blogging

Ouch, rocket factory, dollar store, and World Police
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