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"I hope we can begin the healing", John Kerry 

Crap, crap and double crap. The little emperor still thinks he is wearing clothes. Demosthenes is still out there looking for an honest man....Oh the insult, oh the pain. Oh crap. At least the good neigbours in COW (California, Oregon, Washington) voted for Kerry. Illinois to ...in a big way!...and New York and PA.
Here is a quote from Robert Novak (one of the conservative pundits on CNN's "Crossfire") :

Novak's pronouncement echoed a basic strategy of the Republicans, specifically Carl Rove, main tactical plotter for Bush: to get white, conservative, evangelical Protestants who for one reason or another didn't go out to vote for Bush in 2000, to get out and vote in 2004. Rove calculated that Bush missed out on around four million votes from this group in 2000. Republicans moved heaven and earth to get this sector out while reaching out to other sectors, including Latinos (who seem to have significantly gone over to Bush in Florida, in large part it is said, because of his brother's handling of things after the many hurricanes that struck the state).

A lot of 'politics' going on in the church...and the Church is not supposed to get involved in politics......that was given up by them when they applied for charitable status! Churches, especially the 'Fundies' in the southern States, were admonishing (from the pulpit) members to vote for Bush. They were handing out leaflets promoting Bush.

Bush is against 'stem cell research but the major research that he is not allowing is the use of 'fertilized eggs' in stem cell research....now by any definition....any definition, these eggs cannot become humans, or anything like a human being unless they are implanted in a woman's uterus. This esearch is what Cristopher Reeve was fighting for. But the fundies don't like it. And now they are even stronger that ever.

"I hope we can begin the healing", John Kerry
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