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Cool again today, cloudy too and around 8 deg.c.
We took the dog for a walk this afternoon and there was a chilly wind.
Just a couple more weeks and brother Jack will be here. It will be swell to see his 'middle-aged' face again. We will set him up in the study/library/stained glass place downstairs.
I went to the Diabetes Research group this AM and they upped the dosage of the blood-pressure medication I was taking as part of the study. I have been taking these pills for two weeks now and have not noticed any side-effects...except that every time I pass a microwave oven I pee my pants, and every morning I pee at precisely 7:00 AM....unfortunately I don't get up until 8:00 AM.... BWAhahahahaha. My BP has come down to a respectable 145/85...it was up to 160/90 for the month that I was off BP meds altogether. Afterwards, as is my habit, I dropped in to see Nana . She enjoys the company, especially when the company brings egg-mcMuffins! I tried the new egg, cheese, sausage hot-cake mcMuffin....not bad but the taste of sweet syrup is a little much. Nana is well and told me of the calls she got from Jack and Gary. She keeps saying that she has nothing to talk about, but her and I can talk about all of her cronies and playing cribbage and all about the students-in-residence. i guess she thinks that people would be bored if she talked about those things. I also gave her my old cell phone. It is not connected and she pays no fees but in case of an emergency all old cell phones that were once hooked up properly still are capable of connecting with 911 in case of emergencies......this is a fact shared with me by MTS. Neato, huh? She can carry it with her anywhere she goes. Of course I had to write down the instructions for use.....I hope that is enough.
Margot and Joel come in two weeks, two days and 5 hours and 25 minutes, but who counts. This weekend they are both going to Edmonton to see Joel's Grandfather who is gravely ill. Joel's grandfather has tickets to fly home to the Phillipines on Oct. 15th and he figures that will be his last trip, so Joel wants to see him one last time before he goes and Margot (Muffin) is going with him for support.

Quote of the day, from the late Katherine Hepburn:

"I believe there's nothing we can know except that we should be kind to each other and do what we can for other people."
Katharine Hepburn, actress, Humanist Arts awardee, 1985

Tomorrow is another day.....



Its another beautiful day. Started out cloudy and chilly but now its around 15 degs C and sunny.
I went to the Air museum again today. The CAF was there with the training aircraft and their presentations. The museum has a raffle going as a fund raiser. The tickets are $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00 and the prize is 2 (two) worldwide passes anywhere in the world that Air Canada flies. Should anyone want tickets I would be glad to advance you the money and put your name on the tickets. The draw will be held at the "Out of the Blue" dinner and dance to be held on October 25th. Please let me know.
Catherine went to the Reh-fit centre for a workout and then came home and took the hairy Princess out for a long walk around the St. Vital Park. Supper is almost ready and I am bushed.....I worked two days in a row!.......time to vegge out in front of the TV.
It was nice to see Gary's blog updated. I see they are having a great time.

Tomorrow is another day...........



It is still cloudy and cool, but good ole Sol is peeking through the clouds this afternoon.
This morning I worked at the Air Museum. The Air Force is having a drive to recruit pilots and they are putting on video presentations today and tomorrow. They also brought along the aircraft associated with flight training. They brought a Harvard II, a Jet Ranger helicopter, a Kingair, and a little single engine two-seater trainer. The forces personnel were putting the kids into the cockpits and this thrilled them to bits...the kids were thrilled too! I will be helping out again tomorrow as they have the planes out on the tarmac in front of the hanger doors and this is on airport property and it makes them nervous...so there is a need for help to guard against the unforseen threat!
Catherine went for a workout and the hairy princess stayed home.
Last night we watched the video "A Mighty Wind". It is a movie by the same group that did "Best in Show" and "This is Spinal Tap". Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara, Michael McKean, etc. The whole movie is ad-libbed and very clever. If you are from the era of The Kingston Trio and The New Christy Minstrels etc, you would appreciate the humour more. Gary and Carol would get a kick out of it. But for me you can't beat "This is Spinal Tap". I even have the two records that Spinal tap put out, one is "Smell the Glove" and the other is "Break Like the Wind"......Some people thought that these guys were a legitimate group instead of a put-on. Bwahahahaha!
Another good movie that we want to see is "Holes", Catherine said that she read the book and it is quite good. The NYT movie reviews give it 4 1/2 stars out of 5. We trie to rent it but they were all out.
I got a long email from Joel, regaling me with stories from Cardero's restaurant where he works. Here is an exerpt:

"it's the only restaurant i know that needs a bouncer on busy nights. i've seen two fights break out on the deck, women on both occasions. this summer i've served people like michael stipes (lead singer for r.e.m.), most of the canucks, kurt russell ( as in goldie hawn), mr. penksi (indie racer), some dignitary from europe (there body guards sat at 2 different tables), al roker (nbc news caster), these are a few. it's neat to pick up a magazine or turn on the tv and be able to remember 'greygoose on the rocks with a twist.' the most interesting customers are the ones that have just come off their boat from a different country. nameless people but just as interesting as celebs. they also have plenty of fascinating stories to tell."

Tomorrow is another day............



Today is cool, 10 deg.c and drizzly.
Catherine and I put the hairy princess into doggie day-care for the day and we went for a day trip up to Gimli. We wanted to look at condos up there and checkout campsites. We went the condo apartments after a nice lunch at the "Lakeside Inn". The condos were all 2 bedrooms with the smallest one at 950 sq ft to 1000 and 1154 sqft. The standard condo at 950 sq ft do not have balconies so that sucks but the larger ones do have balconies and they overlook the lake. They have a large reception room with huge windows all around and a grand piano and a big fireplace...fantastic view of the lake. The condo we saw was 1000 sq ft and was cozy but still nice...I don't know what we would do with all our furniture. We have our name on a list at the condos at Vic Wyatt House but the list is long and it could be a few years wait. Oh well, we just have to keep on looking.
We popped into the main campground at Gimli and found that someone had just vacated a nice campsite so it was up for grabs. We put a deposit on it and next May long week-end we will haul our land-yacht up there and park that baby for the summer. I think we were lucky to get the spot and both Catherine and I are happy about it. Gimli has a lot to offer; besides a big beautiful beach, you can fish or go to a movie...There is a hospital there and restaurants.....And....And....And we have always enjoyed going there. We still plan on going to Nova Scotia next summer but we are not sure as to how that will happen....I guess that we can make it happen anyway we choose.....At any time we like....I like this retirement.
When we returned to the kennel to get Snoozie we could hear her howling in the back and she never stopped howling until we got her out the door.....Poor thing.....'Don't do that again!...Bad Daddy!' She got an 'F' for participation (doesn't play well with other dogs) but and 'A' for yodeling!
Well, tomorrow is another day!....but tonight we are going to watch the video "A Mighty Wind"...should be fun.



Yesterday I worked at the Air museum. There were couples from Britain and Argentina there for a visit. I also met a man from Ottawa who was speaking at a conference held upstairs at the museum, and he told me that our little museum was a gem and that it was as good as, or maybe a bit better than, the Aviation museum in Ottawa. It is nice to know, as we operate on a shoe string and Ottawa operates with a lot of federal help. I still think that, although it is nice to have nice museums in our nations capitol, it would be nice to spread that money around the other museums in Canada which are more accessible to everyone. I don't imagine that everyone in BC, for instance, would be able to see the Ottawa museums that often.
Catherine is subbing again today for the same class. It seems that the woman she is substituting forks father is taken a turn for the worse. But after three days Catherine is tired and told them to get another sub if they need one on Monday. There is 35 kids in that class and Catherine says that is too many and they are hard to control. She comes home pooped everyday. Anyhow, tomorrow is a division wide administration day so she sill not be working for sure so I will take her up to Gimli for the day for some R&R....she loves the little store up there called Turgessons and there is some condos that we will look at.
I have not seen any updates to Gary's Blog, I hope everything is OK. I assume that since it is Thursday, they will be packing up and leaving Greenwood for the USA. Looks like the dollar is in their favour.
It was very windy yesterday, in fact they issued a wind warning, and to complicate things it was garbage day and the recyclables and empty garbage bins, were flying all over the place. But today it is cool and calm, but sunny. Time to take Sweetie for a walk.



Its Tuesday today and its sunny and 20 degrees C.
I just cut the grass. The grass seems to grow really good in the back yard...I guess that it gets all the fertilizer.
Catherine is out substituting for a friend of hers whose father is dying. She called me from school and said that it appears that the father's health has worsened and that she may have to sub for at least a couple more days. This is good because then she can keep me in the style to which I have become accustomed to, right?
Tomorrow I am at the Aviation museum. I will also be at the museum on Saturday when the CAF will be parking some aircraft in front of the hanger doors. They are bringing a Harvard II trainer and a Hawk jet trainer and a couple of other aircraft. It should be a good show and I am looking forward to it.



This morning I had an appointment with my endocrinologist Dr. Woo. He has take me off Avandia and increased my insulin dosage to 10 units/day. We'll see how that goes. If I can get off that expensive Avandia that would be good. I can probably get the insulin from the HSC study I am involved in.
Today is a Reh-fit day and we shall be going in a couple of hours.
In case you missed the Emmys Gary, the "West Wing" won as best Drama....just thought you would like to know.
The weather is cool and cloudy and tomorrow is the first day of fall.....Woohoo



Well, its Sunday again. I see by Jack's blog that he is busy with school and the kids and I see that by Gary's blog that he is still in Greenwood, NS. It is a lot of fun reading these things, kinda like snooping into someone's diary. But seriously, it is quite interesting to do a blog. It's kind of like keeping a journal but knowing that it is public (to an extent).
25 days, 6 hours and 38 minutes until Margot and Joel arrive.....But who is counting? It will be very nice to have Jack here for a few days too. We will have to set up the bed in the study downstairs. It would be nice to see Jamie and Andrew but we will get to see them sooner or later.
The weather is cool and cloudy. Below normal for us at this time of year. I think that the big low that was hurricane Isabel was keeping the jet stream south of us. Maybe now that it is gone, we will start to warm up.
We just finished the NYT X-word puzzle. It was quite easy and we did it in 35 minutes...I know because we have a timer. LOL Most times though it takes us less than an hour to do...I know because we keep records.....We measure our lives in coffee spoons.
Last night we rented the movie "Solaris" with George Clooney. It reminded me of "2001-a Space Oddity, er Odyssey"...A little hard to follow and left to everyone to interpret for themselves. Soderberg directed it but I think that even HE was confused. I think it was a love story with a space backdrop and the BIG GIANT HEAD as a protagonist.
Tonight is the Emmys.
Catherine is at her computer and I am at mine and Suzie is sleeping ....ALL IS WELL WITH THE WORLD.



Friday was about the same as today; cloudy and cool. I still don't have my car back. They are having quite a problem fixing the transmission, and so they are tearing it out and doing it again. In the meantime they are supplying me with a rental car...a Mazda Protege. It is a spiffy little car and it reminds Catherine and I of the Ford escort we once leased.....kind of a fun little car to drive. Friday was a Reh-fit day but Catherine went alone because I was waiting for a call on the car. After she got back we went to the Pancake House to do some carb-loading....haha

And today is Satruday. I am at my computer and Catherine is at hers......and Suzie is sleeping in her bed, which is situated between us. I got a CD by a guy called Serge Gainsbourg called "Comic Strip". Recorded in the late 60's, it is in French and kind of reminds one of an edgier, more HIP, Leonard Cohen. One cut on it is called "Je t'aime, moi non plus" and it was censored in Canada and the States as being too explicit, because it has a woman breathing heavily in the background as if she was enjoying sex!....we can't have that!....I mean its OK but we just don't want to hear it?....silly. It is really quite a good CD even if you can't understand the language....you can still appreciate it.

There was an article in todays Free Press about Manitoba English, such as it is. Hey lets go to the social and act like a crazy Loogans and afterwards we can got to the Sals and get a Nip and chips....don't jam out now JAM-TART! Oh yeah and WESTSIDE SUCKS!

A brief glossary of Manitoban English

AUTOPAC Noun. Public auto insurance or a place that sells it.
BEER BASH Noun. An afternoon social at a university campus.
BOOTER Noun. Mishap involving boot or shoe placed through ice believed to be solid.
FALL SUPPER Noun. A public dinner in a rural community or small town.
GARBAGE MITTS, GARBOS Plural noun. Thick, leather mittens, usually worn by kids.
GOLDEYE Noun. Small freshwater fish, found in Lake Winnipeg and smaller lakes, considered delicacy when smoked.
HALLOWEEN APPLES Exclamation. Halloween greeting used instead of "Trick or Treat."
HUCK Verb. Throw or toss, usually without great regard for accuracy.
JAMBUSTER Noun. Jelly donut, usually covered in icing sugar.
JAM, JAM OUT Verb. To back out or otherwise renege on a commitment.
JAMMER, JAM-TART Noun. One who jams out.
JEANNE'S CAKE Noun. Layer cake with a cookie bottom made at Jeanne's Bakery.
LC Noun. Government liquor store, short for Liquor Control Commission.
LOOGAN Noun. Hooligan or rowdy person. Supposedly a Chicago term brought to Manitoba during the Prohibition.
NIP Noun. A hamburger, usually but not exclusively at Salisbury House restaurants.
OLD DUTCH Adjective. A local brand of potato chips.
OUT EAST Noun. Toronto, southern Ontario or any part of Canada further east than Thunder Bay.
SEV Noun. A convenience store, usually 7-Eleven.
SMOKIE Noun. A fat, barbecue-friendly sausage.
SOCIAL Noun. Licensed fundraising party for charities, non-profit organizations or engaged couples trying to finance a wedding.
SOFT DRINKS Plural noun. Soda pop. Considered quaint or archaic elsewhere.
TUBE STEAK Noun. A hot dog.
VENDOR Noun. Beer store attached or adjacent a hotel.
WEST SIDE SUCKS Exclamation. A universal truth, evident at every Winnipeg Blue Bomber home game.
-- Compiled by Bartley Kives



Catherine is getting ready to go to ILS to sub for the afternoon. Me and the Dog are surfing the net and checking e-mail. I am on a new medication called losartan (trade name "Cozaar"). It is part of the research effort at HSC. It makes me tired and last night I sure didn't feel like going to the Reh-fit centre but I dragged myself there. Once I got there, and after a couple of turns of the track, I was OK. We came home and ate burgers and grapes. The grapes were nice big juicy green ones from California. Do you know that Manitoba ships vegetables to California. Seems they like the taste of our fresh carrots, corn, peas and potatos, neat huh?
I am looking forward to Margot and Joel and brother Jack coming in October. It will be fun.
Work at the Aviation museum is a lot of fun. We get people from all over the world. Yesterday we had people from Scotland, Germany and Texas. Plus we had a school tour. It is a great job to get to meet these people and talk to them and show them what the museum has to offer.
"Big Brother" brought no surprises as Robert was voted off. It is a wonder he lasted this long, given how stupid he is.
It is a cool and rainy day. It makes you feel like napping.
"Survivor" starts tonight. Woohoo....looks like another good one.



Yesterday, I had an appointment with the research group at the Health Sciences Centre. I was there at 10 AM and I had to go in fasting because they were doing bloodwork. Boy was I hungry afterwards. I stopped in at Nana's after I picked up a couple of egg McMuffins. I have been going to visit her after the HSC for about 6 weeks now. She seems to look forward to it. I had dropped Catherine off at ILS so she could help Wendy and her class learn to play a learning game called "UNO". In the evening we watched "Big Brother" (its down to Allison, Robert and Jun....I pulling for Jun) and then we wathced "MI-5". MI-5 is a new show this year and we both like it. I am sure that Margot would like it too.

Today, I am going to the Aviation Museum and afterwards we will be going to the Reh-fit Centre. Catherine has enrolled into another Hip-Hop class that starts sometime in Oct. She really enjoys it. She is trying to go for a workout on Sunday mornings too and has suceeded in doing so the last three weeks or so. The weather is over-cast and cool at about 18 degs. Snow in Calgary!.....wow, that is too early.



Yesterday, Sunday, we had Nana over for a nice roast beef dinner. We spent a quiet day doing the NYT x-word puzzle in the morning, and took Suzie for a long walk in the afternoon. I watched the Bombers lose to Calgary on a televised game at 3:30 and we drove Nana home arund 9:00PM. It turned out to be a nice day, although it started out coolish in the morning

Its Monday and this AM I worked at the Aviation Museum. I got home around 1:30 and took the dog for a walk. I met a woman and her two little girls who recognized Suzie as the dog they see poking her nose throught the fence when they walk by. Suzie was happy to see them and wagged her tail. We are going to the Reh-fit centre in a few minutes. Catherine just washed her hair and when it is dry we will leave.
Today is sunny and around 20 deg. ....a bootiful fall type day.



Just got back from the Manitoba Humanists dinner. There was about 20 people there. One of the topics was "same sex marriages". Here is what I think...If you are against same sex marriage then DON'T MARRY SOMEONE FROM THE SAME SEX. Apart from that we resolved to (1) send a letter to PM Cretien show support for same sex marriage, (2) each member to write a letter to their MP in support of SSM. and (3) Investing in a large banner to use at parades in support of SSM. (my idea). I think that I will investigate whether we can get a table at the University of Manitoba to let the students know about the Humanist Society of Manitoba (HAM). Get some young blood in there....stir things up. I won the door prize...an emblem of a fish with feet and the word "Darwin" inside...nyuk nyuk.
Apart from that we did not do much today. We took the dog for a couple of walks. Catherine cleaned the house after she chased the dog and I outside.
It was cool, kind of grey skies and about 20...cool for us.



Just got an e-mail from Gary. They are in Summerside now. It took them 5 days to get there. He has updated his "BLOG" and you can find it at:
http://gousey.blogspot.com/ . He will be posting to this 'blog' site as he travels for the next 5 months. I think that their next destination (unless they get sidetracked) is New York state to meet some of Carol's relatives.
Today is a Reh-Fit day. Catherine is off substituting today. It is her birthday. I got her a portable CD player and a carrying pouch so she can listen to tunes (including MP3's) as she hoofs around the track at the Re-fit centre.
We are going to a Humanists of Manitoba ( http://www.humanistassociation.mb.ca/ ) dinner meeting on Saturday and since I am a 'Born-again' Athiest.......I'm looking forward to that. I will get her a Jeannies cake for her birthday and we will celebrate. Nana wants to take her out to lunch or dinner too, and we will probably do that on Sunday.
We saw the movie "View from the Top" last night. It was an amusing bit of fluff....but about as satisfying as a bag of airplane peanuts. Gwyneth Paltrow is a great actress and I like her but I think she was 'over-cast' in this movie. Mike Myers is over-the-top as usual. Too bad that the producers had to keep to the Hollywood formula and pepper it with big names, because this movie had the strength to go the distance with some lesser known stars and maybe, just maybe, they could have ended up with the movie that they started out to make.
Still no Taurus......why I oughta......



Today is cloudy,, but the sun is starting to peek through. Its around 20 degrees. Catherine has gone substituting a grade 8 class today. Her first day teaching since June. I packed her off to school this morning and watched her with tears in my eyes as she walked away from the car with her little lunch bucket, such a brave girl. I have to pick her up at 3:30 PM, after school. She will not be staying until 5 or 5:30 like she used to. That is one of the benefits of subbing, no need to do all that extra stuff that used to be so time consuming.
Still no Taurus. I will call them later and give them the gears!
I have to go to Nana's place and drop off some bananas and oranges.
It is Catherine's 56th birthday on Friday and I have to get her a present today.......let's see, what shall I get her????? Hmmmmmm.



Today is Wednesday. Not much happening today. Catherine has gone shopping. I am off to the Aviation Museum to volunteer my services as a host extrordinaire.. It is a Wednesday so that means "Reh-Fit" ...we'll be going there about 4 o'clock. Catherine subs Thursday and Friday. More tomorrow. Today is cloudy and 24.



Its Tuesday, and this morning I went to the Health Sciences Centre for my weekly visit. I am a participant in Diabetes Research. This study involves a new drug to control high blood pressure, with an aim to lessen damage to the kidneys in people with diabetes. I have been going for the last 6 weeks. The study lasts only six months and I hope to get into another one after this one is over. They pay you to go and they supply the drugs you need for the study, so it is a kind of 'Win-Win' situation.
Still no work on the Taurus transmission. I spoke to the fella there and he says that for some reason they just got real busy, but he will be in touch this afternoon.
We got a call from Gary last night; he has been gone for three days and I had ficured that he should be somewhere around Ottawa and sure enough, that is where he called from. At that rate they should be in PEI by Thursday or early Friday, well in time for the major part of the reunion.
It is another lovely, sunny day...should be around 30 again....summer just wont quit.



Its Monday and we just got back from the St. Vital shopping centre. Catherine has gone to the downtown library to do some research for a book she is writing. Catherine got a call from Darlene Kascow at ILS to substitute teach (grade 8) for Thursday and Friday. It is her first substituting job and she is quite happy about that. I think that she does miss teaching. She had the summer off and that was quite normal, but since school started she seems to miss not going back. She went to Island Lakes School last Friday to take some cookies and banana cake and have lunch with her former teaching pals. I am at home waiting for a call on the Taurus and the transmission problem. Today is a 'Reh-fit' day and we shall be going to the Gym for a workout at around 4 o'clock. We still go at our regular time (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) because we have a lot of friends that go then and it is nice to see them. I am looking forward to Margot & Joel and brother Jack coming to Winnipeg next month. It is another beautiful sunny day!



Today is Sunday and it is another beautiful sunny day. It should get to 30. The Bombers are playing...should have got tickets. We just finished the NYT X-word puzzle; also e-mailed it to brother Gary. Not much doing today, breakfast is almost ready and while we are eating it we will finish watching "Pirates of the Carribean" (compliments of David, by way of Gary!).



11:25 AM 06/09/2003

Today is Saturday and Gary and Carol just left Winnipeg on Their way to PEI and the CAF reunion.
We were sad to see them go but I don't think that Suzie our beagle was too broken hearted; although
she never fought with Chuffley, she felt intimidated by him. Suzie was twice Chuffleys size but she
gave Chuffley a wide berth. Chuffley would take a few steps and 'woof, woof' and although Suzie barked
(that surprisingly loud bark for a small dog) twice, she generally spent her time outside hiding
under the picnic table or in Catherine's lap! It got to be a chore trying to get Suzie outside because
she thought Chuffley would be just around behind the door. Chuffley was suffering from a little infection
when Gery first arrived but it is all cleared up now and is is in fine spirits even though Carol tries to
'shoot him' twice a day (gives him his insulin shots!).
Gary was glad to get his RV back on Friday after having the necessary work done on his rear axle.
As far as my Taurus is concerned, JB Transmission pulled the tranny on Friday and will give me a report
on Monday as to the extent of the damage. I hope that it is only the pump and can be fixed cheaply...but
then again its a ford! I swear, somebody shoot me if I ever decide to get a Ford again!
It was a pleasant surprise when Gary and Carol took Mom, Catherine and I out to Smitty's for dinner
last night. That was real generous of them. They thanked us for allowing them to do some 'concrete camping' in our driveway. All in
all it was a wonderful little visit. Of course, as soon as Gary walks in my door, my computers all crashed
and it took us the better part of Tuesday to figure out what went wrong. Afterwards we had up to 4
computers going at the the same time, luckily I have a router with 4 ports. I suggested that a good way to
keep everyone apprised of their travels (and tribulations) might be to 'BLOG' and then he and I spent a
couple of days setting up 'blog' accounts and testing them.......well, it keeps us off the street!



8:11 AM 05/09/2003

Gary's RV is still in the shop. They are waiting for parts
which should be in today...if not then Gary will not be able to
get away until Monday. They will be in PEI in time for the
reunion, but will miss the start. The reunion is for anyone
who was ever stationed at Summerside or who lived there, so
I guess that Catherine could have gone since she was born there
when her father was stationed there in hmmm, let me see, 1947.
Nana was staying with us while Gary was here but has returned
home now to make more room in the house, since the RV is in the
shop. Another beautiful sunny day.



Gary and Carol arrived from Yellowstone on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd.
They came in their 34' RV. They stopped in Winnipeg on their way
to a RCAF reunion in PEI. After the reunion in PEI, they are travelling
for 6 months down through the southern States. They may even end up
in Tishomingo, OK for Christmas. They rented their house in Victoria
to a Winnipeg couple for the time between Oct. 15 to the end of March,
On Wednesday Our Taurus ground to a halt on Bishop Grandin and
We had to have it towed to Mid-town Ford.
On Thursday Gary took his RV into MAXIM on Oak point Road to have
his brakes looked at but found out he had a differential leaking into
his brake drums and they also found a loose (unsafe) drive shaft. It
could cost $3,000.00 to fix. Meanwhile, I found out that the Taurus
had a pump failure in the transmission and 'possibly' some other
problems as yet undiscovered. I got a better deal and had the car
towed from Mid-town to J.B. transmission.

This is the diary of two Winnipeg
Retirees and we will try to post exciting news daily.


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