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Its another beautiful day. Started out cloudy and chilly but now its around 15 degs C and sunny.
I went to the Air museum again today. The CAF was there with the training aircraft and their presentations. The museum has a raffle going as a fund raiser. The tickets are $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00 and the prize is 2 (two) worldwide passes anywhere in the world that Air Canada flies. Should anyone want tickets I would be glad to advance you the money and put your name on the tickets. The draw will be held at the "Out of the Blue" dinner and dance to be held on October 25th. Please let me know.
Catherine went to the Reh-fit centre for a workout and then came home and took the hairy Princess out for a long walk around the St. Vital Park. Supper is almost ready and I am bushed.....I worked two days in a row!.......time to vegge out in front of the TV.
It was nice to see Gary's blog updated. I see they are having a great time.

Tomorrow is another day...........

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