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11:25 AM 06/09/2003

Today is Saturday and Gary and Carol just left Winnipeg on Their way to PEI and the CAF reunion.
We were sad to see them go but I don't think that Suzie our beagle was too broken hearted; although
she never fought with Chuffley, she felt intimidated by him. Suzie was twice Chuffleys size but she
gave Chuffley a wide berth. Chuffley would take a few steps and 'woof, woof' and although Suzie barked
(that surprisingly loud bark for a small dog) twice, she generally spent her time outside hiding
under the picnic table or in Catherine's lap! It got to be a chore trying to get Suzie outside because
she thought Chuffley would be just around behind the door. Chuffley was suffering from a little infection
when Gery first arrived but it is all cleared up now and is is in fine spirits even though Carol tries to
'shoot him' twice a day (gives him his insulin shots!).
Gary was glad to get his RV back on Friday after having the necessary work done on his rear axle.
As far as my Taurus is concerned, JB Transmission pulled the tranny on Friday and will give me a report
on Monday as to the extent of the damage. I hope that it is only the pump and can be fixed cheaply...but
then again its a ford! I swear, somebody shoot me if I ever decide to get a Ford again!
It was a pleasant surprise when Gary and Carol took Mom, Catherine and I out to Smitty's for dinner
last night. That was real generous of them. They thanked us for allowing them to do some 'concrete camping' in our driveway. All in
all it was a wonderful little visit. Of course, as soon as Gary walks in my door, my computers all crashed
and it took us the better part of Tuesday to figure out what went wrong. Afterwards we had up to 4
computers going at the the same time, luckily I have a router with 4 ports. I suggested that a good way to
keep everyone apprised of their travels (and tribulations) might be to 'BLOG' and then he and I spent a
couple of days setting up 'blog' accounts and testing them.......well, it keeps us off the street!

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