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Yesterday, I had an appointment with the research group at the Health Sciences Centre. I was there at 10 AM and I had to go in fasting because they were doing bloodwork. Boy was I hungry afterwards. I stopped in at Nana's after I picked up a couple of egg McMuffins. I have been going to visit her after the HSC for about 6 weeks now. She seems to look forward to it. I had dropped Catherine off at ILS so she could help Wendy and her class learn to play a learning game called "UNO". In the evening we watched "Big Brother" (its down to Allison, Robert and Jun....I pulling for Jun) and then we wathced "MI-5". MI-5 is a new show this year and we both like it. I am sure that Margot would like it too.

Today, I am going to the Aviation Museum and afterwards we will be going to the Reh-fit Centre. Catherine has enrolled into another Hip-Hop class that starts sometime in Oct. She really enjoys it. She is trying to go for a workout on Sunday mornings too and has suceeded in doing so the last three weeks or so. The weather is over-cast and cool at about 18 degs. Snow in Calgary!.....wow, that is too early.

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