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Cool again today, cloudy too and around 8 deg.c.
We took the dog for a walk this afternoon and there was a chilly wind.
Just a couple more weeks and brother Jack will be here. It will be swell to see his 'middle-aged' face again. We will set him up in the study/library/stained glass place downstairs.
I went to the Diabetes Research group this AM and they upped the dosage of the blood-pressure medication I was taking as part of the study. I have been taking these pills for two weeks now and have not noticed any side-effects...except that every time I pass a microwave oven I pee my pants, and every morning I pee at precisely 7:00 AM....unfortunately I don't get up until 8:00 AM.... BWAhahahahaha. My BP has come down to a respectable 145/85...it was up to 160/90 for the month that I was off BP meds altogether. Afterwards, as is my habit, I dropped in to see Nana . She enjoys the company, especially when the company brings egg-mcMuffins! I tried the new egg, cheese, sausage hot-cake mcMuffin....not bad but the taste of sweet syrup is a little much. Nana is well and told me of the calls she got from Jack and Gary. She keeps saying that she has nothing to talk about, but her and I can talk about all of her cronies and playing cribbage and all about the students-in-residence. i guess she thinks that people would be bored if she talked about those things. I also gave her my old cell phone. It is not connected and she pays no fees but in case of an emergency all old cell phones that were once hooked up properly still are capable of connecting with 911 in case of emergencies......this is a fact shared with me by MTS. Neato, huh? She can carry it with her anywhere she goes. Of course I had to write down the instructions for use.....I hope that is enough.
Margot and Joel come in two weeks, two days and 5 hours and 25 minutes, but who counts. This weekend they are both going to Edmonton to see Joel's Grandfather who is gravely ill. Joel's grandfather has tickets to fly home to the Phillipines on Oct. 15th and he figures that will be his last trip, so Joel wants to see him one last time before he goes and Margot (Muffin) is going with him for support.

Quote of the day, from the late Katherine Hepburn:

"I believe there's nothing we can know except that we should be kind to each other and do what we can for other people."
Katharine Hepburn, actress, Humanist Arts awardee, 1985

Tomorrow is another day.....

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