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Jack and the boys arrive in Winnipeg 

Jack and the boys arrived last night at 10:36 PM. It was Andrews first flight and boy his arms are so tired.....
This AM we went over to 'Foams R Us' to pick up some foam that I bought for the trailer that had to be cut special. We picked up Nana after that ....she was anxious to see the boys and they were anxious to see her. We spent the afternoon walking the dog, playing with lego and watching "Tele-toons". We expect to go to the beach tomorrow or Sunday.
So sad to hear about Chuffley. He was a good old dog. I know Gary and Carol will miss him.

In the meantime , GIGGLE KNOB OPEN........

Jack and the boys arrive in Winnipeg

Which end do you shuck first???? Posted by Hello


Life is good.....let's eat! Posted by Hello


I love my Nana! Posted by Hello


Jack and the boys arrive in winnipeg! Its Andrew's first airplane ride....tiring! Posted by Hello


We'll miss you Chuffley. xoxoxoxox Posted by Hello



Paul Retires and we all get older....... 

   Paul retired from teaching this year.   He is keeping a low profile about it, I don't know why but I guess he feels uneasy about it.   His wife is 8 years younger than he is and I guess it makes him feel old.....hell, wake up...everyday is like Saturday!  He claims that he will still be working somehow.....not sure how but.....   He gets his first pension cheque in August.  As an added bonus he is waiting to hear when he will be getting bypass surgery.    Catherine and I bought him some golf balls and a new golf glove.  Al and Janine got him the 90's version of Trivial Pursit....and it is hard!  Easy to remember things in the 60's, 70's and even 80's but the 90's......????where in the hell were we?   We had a nice meal at Al and Janine's (BBQ'D brisket of beef, shrimp kebabs, dill-potatos, caesar salad, and sour-dough bread) place on Tuesday night and besides celebrating Paul's retirement we all exchanged birthday gifts (as we have been doing for the past several years or so).   I got a 'snail lamp'  (an outdoor lamp in the shape of a snail)...perfect for the lake. 
   Jack and the boys are coming tonight at 10:30.   I just got tickets to the Goldeyes baseball game next Thursday, I think that the boys will like that.   The last time Jack was in I took him and Jamie to a football game.    Its nice to do things like that when people visit you...it makes you feel good.
   Well dont' forget!............Keep on blogging!

Paul Retires and we all get older.......


Happy Anniversary Jim and Deb! We are proud to call you both our friends! Posted by Hello


Jim 'the Grocer' asking where he can get a beer. He is proud to say that his new grocery store in Elma is open 24 hours.......but not in a row! Posted by Hello


Surprise Debbie! Posted by Hello


Doug with Jim's son Jason Posted by Hello


Debbi's Mom and Dad and in the middle is sister Cindy. Posted by Hello


Elma Manitoba tourist and travel guide: Check it out! Double click on the link !!  

   Today we went to a backyard party and Yahoo for Jim and Debbie Sutton.  They have been married for 25 years.   I was the best man way back then.   I remember that it was a hot, hot day.   Jim and I were sweating bullets.   The wedding took place in Transcona and the reception took place in Anola (about 30 minutes by '78 Monte Carlo away!).  The bride looked radiant (and still does!).  Jim and his brother Larry and his other brother Larry looked great in their tuxes.  But it was hot and at the reception line at the great hall in Anola, it fell to the best man to run back and forth supplying the reception line with liquid refreshments (to prevent dehydration).   After the reception line part, at least Jim and I were well hydrated.   There were tons of people there besides the loving parents...there was "Tree", "Stilts" and "Box", among others.  A good time was had by all then, and today  Doug and Cindy hosted the 25th anniversary and we all had a great time again!  Let's do it again for the 50th!!!!!!!above are some pics of the event.  The link is a good guide to what is happening in Elma!!!!!

Elma Manitoba tourist and travel guide: Check it out! Double click on the link !!


Yard sales: why didn't somebody tell me? 

   Just got back from the Lake in time for supper.   The campers at the campsite...the creative committee consisting of campground campers, including mullet-headed Mike, decided to rent some property in greater downtown Gimli (home of the Islendagdigagurin festival!)...won't read that in your FMCA brochure!...to have a 'yard-sale'.   Well we participated and sold a bunch of junk but it just so happens that there also is a bunch of junk to buy.  You'll never guess what happened.  No, we made money...about 20 smackers...after expenses ie: coffee crisp, coffee, diet pepsi and a 5 buck table rental.  But if you factor in all the things we needed to buy like a lamp fixture for the trailer and a lamp fixture for home, a wine chiller, a dragon key chain, some toys for Jack's kids and some other stuff, then we might havelost a bit o'cash.  They should call it a "look what I got..what you got?" sale.   Anyhow it was fun, especially for Suzie.  She was meetin' n greetin' all morning.

  We had to come back tonight (Sat.) because a couple we know is celbrating their 25th wedding anniversary tomorrow.  Jim and Debbie.  I was best man. 

  My bud, Paul got the word that he has to have by-pass surgery.  He spent last weekend in the hospital.  Chin, chin paul!

   Thanks to brother Gary for the fine article on Winnipeg from the FMCA mag.  I was quite delighted to read it and it gave me some ideas as to what to do with Jack and the boys when they come next week......NEXT WEEK!   EGADS, GADZOOKS, we must get ready, they'll be here Thursday.  

Well, better go, its almost 8 bells and 'Big Brother' is on TV.



Yard sales: why didn't somebody tell me?


In between appointments I get tired. 

   I just got back from the Diabetes Research group and it looks like I flunked out of the current program because the protein in my urine is under the threshold whereas before it was over.  No big deal as I am now in a study where the protein can be a 'little' under....huh?  Its a prospective, randomised, double-blind, double-dummy, forced-titration, multi-centre, parallel group, one year treatment trial.   I think I come in on the dummy part because I don't know what the hell they are going on about....dddssseee, dddssseee.  I'll have to study the study.   Anyhow, the upshot is that my BP is good at 120/70 and the protein in my urine is coming down and I get to be onvolved in another study for another year (make that 58 weeks).
   After that I dropped off at Nana's place.  Every time I go to the DRG (Diabetes Research Group) at the HSC (Health Sciences Centre) I drop over to see Nana and bring her an 'egg McMuffin' and I get the 'big Breakfast' and we sit and talk.   Looks like the TD bank is pulling their services from the Lion's Manor as of Aug 16th.   They will be sending a 'representative' there on a 'regular' basis so that they may make deposits, withdrawals, etc. at the main branch.  Mom does not keep much money there but she does cash her regular cheque from Astra CU there.  
   I lost my damn glasses and I can't find them anywhere.  I have checked with all the places where I have been, but no luck.   They are probably around her somewhere....I just got to keep looking. 
   I am reading a book by Dave Barry called "Big Trouble".   It's a hoot so far.  
   I have an appointment with the urologist this afternoon.  Looks like I have another kidney stone.
   Well thats all for now, better take a nap ZZZZZZZZZ. 


In between appointments I get tired.


Going to the Lake 

   Just got back from the lake.  We get out there when we get the chance.  We went out yesterday and stayed overnight.   We bought some flowers for the two 'half barrels' in front of our site and some portulacas ...I know, but better late than never!  I also mowed the grass which had been growing for the last 3 weeks! (could have used a machete!)   Spent some time today out at Winnipeg Beach.   It brings back old memories whenever I go there.   Remember the roller coaster?  Tilt-a-whirl? Dance hall? Fish flies!?  The 'Daddy train' that left Winnipeg everyday at 5:30 and brought the Daddys to the cottage and returned them at 9:00AM?  The moonlight special?  Salty's?   We also took a meander on the Gimli dock to look at the fishers and the boats.
   Well, three days of appointments and then back to the lake!  
   Paul is in the hospital for observation again.  He had chest pains, again.  He was supposed to have an angiogram today.  Maybe he will stop smoking this time!   He just retired too!
   I let Suzie out in the backyard when we got home and she trapped a baaby sparrow in the waterspout.  I wondered what she was doing and I went over to shake the spout to see what was in there and the little bird popped out.  Suzie was all excited so I out the baby bird back into the spout and gave it some birdseed.  Suzie stood guard for another 15 minutes before I could get her attention.
  Congrats to Noni on her executive position.  Now we know where Chelsea gets her brains from!  Wow, we are all impressed here with both of you, I can tell you.   I am also proud of Margot...much to be proud of in our family!   BOOYAH, BOOYAH
  Well better go and take a shower...well u know, computer first, then shower.......
   Kpee on glogbing!

Going to the Lake


Lazy hot Saturday 

In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, for in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.
   I went over to the HSC diabetes research group yesterday morning and they found a pulse!!! yeaaah!...oh yes and it was good....yeaaaah...it was 120/72..... boy these new pills are working wonders.....of course my ass fell off twice when I left and I pee my pants every time I pass a mivrowave!!!   but you can't have it all!  After the HSC I stopped in at Nana's place to celebrate over a couple of egg mcmuffins.  Since she was in a good mood, I got her to pack her bag and took her to our place for a couple of days.   I had to run her over.......to Zellers that is, to exchange a couple of blouses that were too small.  We went home and tonight she will be babysitting Suzie while we go to dinner with our friends.  We were supposed to go to dinner at Pat and Paul's but Paul had chest pains at 5:00 AM this morning and Pat took him to the hospital.   Another "heart event" as he calls them ...he has had three already.   Every time he has an event he claims that he is OK, OK, I'm fine, just a little pain....damn fool, and he still smokes too!.....his Mom died of a massive heart attack when she was 50!.......why I oughta!
   Anyhow,  for today.....peke  no  goblging

Lazy hot Saturday


Letterman's Top Ten List: Top Ten George W. Bush Complaints About "Fahrenheit 9/11":
10. That actor who played the President was totally unconvincing

9. It oversimplified the way I stole the election

8. Too many of them fancy college-boy words

7. If Michael Moore had waited a few months, he could have included the part where I get him deported

6. Didn't have one of them hilarious monkeys who smoke cigarettes and gives people the finger

5. Of all Michael Moore's accusations, only 97% are true

4. Not sure - - I passed out after a piece of popcorn lodged in my windpipe

3. Where the hell was Spider-man?

2. Couldn't hear most of the movie over Cheney's foul mouth

1. I thought this was supposed to be about dodgeball
 Posted by Hello


Farenheit 9/11 

The Canadian Navy is: 400 years of tradition unimpeded by progress. Anonymous.
Fahrenheit 9/11 is a powerful film by Michael Moore. Catherine and I went to see it on Tuesday. The first bit where Moore tries to establish links between the Bushes and the Bin-Ladens of Saudi-Arabia seems a bit unbelievable, however there were Saudis that were allowed to fly home on sept. 13th, 2001, while the skies were closed to evryone else. That was never explained. The rest of the movie was quite good, dwelling mostly on the war in Iraq. There were touching stories about soldiers (over 1,000 killed so far) dying for a cause that they don't believe in/understand. Soldiers that were one day on the Reserve and the next day fighting in Iraq. It showed Marine recruiters stalking kids in poor neibourhoods to enlist them using hollow promises. Its mostly the poor kids that fight the wars and a good part of the movie was Moore tackling senators and trying to talk them into enlisting their kids to go to war (only one one Stateman's child, out of 550 +-, is currently fighting in Iraq). The movie suggests that Dubya send his two daughters to fight, thats not likely to happen soon...but maybe if he falls further in the polls? Another good part was when Dubya was waiting to go on camera to face the nation and he was practising facial expressions....
Anyhow, go see it, it may enlighten you.
Please also see the link to a review of the movie by Roger Ebert.

Farenheit 9/11


Happy Couple in Coal harbour. Posted by Hello


What beautiful country this Canada!! Canada is much greater than just the sum of its parts!! Posted by Hello


Lois and Bretski.....a nicer couple you will not meet! ....Life is like a box of Chocolates....oh, and what would you like with that white or red? Posted by Hello


Pic of me standing in the very same spot as in a pic in 1959 when I made a trip to Vancouver with my parents and 5 year old Jack and we stayed at the infamous Patricia Hotel on Hastings. Apparently you can rent rooms by the hour there now! Looks like I've grown a bit since then!......taller Posted by Hello


A picnic at Stanley Park. Darn Kids! Posted by Hello


Sisters! Posted by Hello


Margot & Joel at Carderos Restaurant. Posted by Hello


Margot and her Mom at Spanish Banks. Posted by Hello


Room in the 'Big House' at Fort langley where BC was incorporated as a province. Amable Hogue visited there with Gov. Simpson in 1828! Amable was also in the 'Columbia River Dist.' with Gov. Simpson in 1824. So we have roots going back to very early BC history. Posted by Hello

ABOVE are some pics from our trip. I will send more via e-mail to Gary and anyone else who wants them.

So sorry to hear about Gary and Carol's beloved dog Chuffley see Gary's blog. Chuffley has an abscess on his throat and is in a poor way. I hope he pulls out of this one...he is not as spunky or as young as he once was.

Our trip:
We stopped at Fort Langley on our way into Vancouver. I knew that Amable Hogue had been to Fort Langley. HBC was in the process of moving the Columbia Dist. headquarters there after Fort Vancouver on the Columbia, in present day Oregon, was soon to become a part of the USA. Even though the original Fort Langley was built in 1827, it burned down in 1828. It was actually further up river from the present day fort but I still got the feeling that Amable Hogue, an ancester of mine (great, great, great grandfather), was there. Amable was a 'milieu' or 'middle paddler' for Gov. Simpson and his HBC canoe. Amable travelled to the Columbia district with Simpson twice; once in 1824/25 and once in 1828/29. I know for a fact that Amable was with Simpson when he visited Fort Langley in 1828. In 1824/25 he most probably visited Fort Vancouver on the Columbia. It was on the 1828 trip that the contingent left York Factory on the Hudsons Bay for the west and arrived at fort Langley 3 months later...and that is paddling down the Fraser River! (Simpson wanted to check out the Fraser for ease of navigation!)...imagine Hell's Gate in a canoe!...he pronounced it almost unnavigatable. Did you also know that Amable was later employed as a mason in the building of Lower Fort Gary? Well he was....ain't history great!?! He also married Gov. Simpson's 'cast off' country wife Margaret Taylor (daughter of Geo. Taylor and Jane 'Indian') who was born a half-breed on a HBC sloop?? George Taylor (HBC sloop captain) has an inscription carved in a rock at York Factory. I have to make a trip to see that someday.

After that we went on to Vancouver and met Margot at the 'Kettle of Fish' for dinner. She couldn't eat with us because she was managing that night but it was wonderful to see her. We saw her and Joel many times after that. We went to the Spanish Banks, Stanley Park, Granville Island and took the Hastings Street tour many times! We ate at the Kettle, Carderos at Coal harbour, Rileys (across from Graville Island), the Boathouse (on English Bay), Milestones (on English Bay), Mary's burgers (on Denman). We attended Lois and Brett's 25th anniversary party and had a blast. We went to Lois and Brett's beautiful home for BBQ steak and wine and a see drop o' buie (drambuie). We went to Dee and Stan's house for a nice supper and some great games. Stan seems and upright, nice, if inquisitive type of gentleman and she and he seem happy together. They live in a small two bedroom house in Surrey but said that they had no room to put us up. Its too bad that we couldn't stay with them because I remember all the times that Dee stayed with us and we had lots of fun!...

We spent the whole time in Vancouver at the Coquitlam Best Western Inn, in what seemed to be a Korean suburb of Vancouver (all signs Korean). We could have stayed with Lois and Brett had they not had a houseful of relatives in for the anniversary. We have stayed with them previously and they have stayed with us on occasion too and are very welcome to do so anytime.

Well better get to cutting the grass.....its supposed to be brown by now but the weather has been great...in the high 20s and low 30s and sun sun sun. Skeeters no problem, dispite what you hear on the news!!

Well, "Kepe No Globging"



Well.....we are home!!!!! We made it to Regina, yesterday. We left Regina this AM at 9:00....er OK 9:30. We had to eat! We made it to Winnipeg at around 4:00 PM and just finished unpacking.....all those nice soaps and sewing kits...and hand lotion. Well, I can use the soaps at the gym!...really.

Anyhow we are going to spruce up and then we are invited to Pat and Paul's for din-din. Will it stop...will we ever stop eating like piggies?????????? Diet Monday!!!

Better go, Catherine is out of the shower....hey, she cleans up real good!!!!!

kerp and floogiing



A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.
We are now in strathmore at the Best Western. We left Vancouver yesterday morning and drove until 9:00 PM. We are anxious to get home. We just had brekfast and are ready to go go go. We should make Regina by tonight. I will blog later.

Well....kerp on bulging



Here we are, Wednesday....last day here since we leave for Winnipeg tomorrow. Last night we visited Lois and Brett for a nice steak dinner and some good conversation, and Drambuie after dinner. Lois and
brett have had a houseful since last week and as of yesterday afternoon they got rid of them all....so they are alone again. Had it not been for the fact that they had a houseful we could have stayed with them. It kinda nic, when they come to Winnipeg we put them up and they have put us up in the past when we visited Vancouver. They are a lot of fun to be with. It was nice to be able to see them again before we left. Today we are going to Stanley Park for a picnic....some cheese, a baguette, some wine (in a bag). It sohould be fun. Margot has taken the day off so she could be with us on our final day here.
We went over to Metrotown to shop yesterday and
Catherine fell in love with the new "Old Navy" store and she actually made me drive back there after we left it the first to get something that she thought about but could not decide until we were half way home. She was surpirsed to find out that we have an "Old Navy" store in Winnpeg.....I can see us going there often! Carol would be glad to know that they have Value Village Super Stores here and Thrifty stores too.....especially around hastings! We travel right down Hasting to Margot and Joel's place everyday, quite a thrill! Well better do and relinquish the computer for the next guy.
I will blog more when I get home! In the meantime...Keft und bugling.



Here it is Monday in sunny hot Vancouver. We are staying at the Best Western Hotel in Coquitlam...er Little Korea really...we are surrounded by Korean stores, signs, etc. Last night we went over to Denise and Stan's house for dinner. Roast pork and cream corn mmmmmmm. It was good. Afterwards, we played some games. They have two dogs and four cats...and they all get along. strange 'cause I did not think that Denise liked dogs or cats, but I guess they came with Stan so.... They live in a quaint little house in Surrey with a great view of New Westminster across the river.
Today we went over to Granville island and did some window shopping...so many stores with all the same stuff.... and so expensive. This evening we are at Margot and Joel's place. They took us out to dinner at Carderos Restaurant. I had a prime rib...Catherine had salmon...we had ribs, oysters, squid (I'm a sucker for squid, ahi tuna (raw)for appys and some wonderful deserts with port and coffee and we are full...real full. We had the best table in the house and all the staff treated us like royalty because they knew Joel (becasue he works there) and Margot and, well, they were just good and real friendly people. Tomorrow we are going over to Lois and Brett's place for a visit and Wednesday we are going to Stanley Park for a picnic with Joel and Margot and Thursday....well, Thursday we are going back home. So sad that we won't be able to get over to Victoria this time...next time. Well, I hope we will get to see Gary and Carol in the fall if they come out.
Anyhow, better go ....keef und boogling'



We just walked over to the shopping centre...Wally-World, Sears, etc. Today is the party for L:ois and Brett at 5:00Pm. So this afternoon until its time for us to go we will be just doing some little things. ...like blogging and washing out some stuff, reading and the like. Tomorrow we are meeting with Catherine's sister Denise and her new man Henry or Andy or something. Seems that every time we come to Vancouver she has a different guy. Pete, Dave, God, John, Paul, George and Ringo. But it seems that until another comes along that this really is the one.
Last night we ended up going for dinner with Margot and Joel to "The Boat House" right across from English Beach. There were several Cruise ships (er, make that tankers) in the Bay. We will be seeing Margot and Joel on Monday as they are taking us to Cardero's (Coal harbour) for dinner. They are busy working during the day so Catherine and I will be just going over to Granville Island for a couple of hours to check out the stores.
Anyhow, better go for now....so Krep une blugging!



More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes.

hello from West Vancouver. Catherine and I have been eating, eating and, well eating. We went to 'the Kettle fo Fish, Riley's on the waterfront (across from Granville Island), Milestones. Mary's burger place, the Brass Monkey for drinks and tonight we are going to the Macaroni Bar and Monday we have plans to go to 'Cardero's' on Coal harbour where Joel works. Today we got to the Vancouver Art Gallery and see the the Andy Warhol showing. We also went to the Spanish Banks. The tide was out and Margot was adventurous and went out about 1/3 KM to the edge....

Tomorrow is Lois and Brett's anniversary dinner. There will be 70 or so people there. It should be fun.

Anyways, Congrats again to Chelsea on her acedemic achievments...Spencer Award and all. Noni should be very proud, as we all are. I hope Noni posts some pics on her blog!!!

Mom phoned us while we were out to lunch to tell us that she will be going over to Joe and Dorothy's place until Sunday....so we would not worry if we called there.

I have been keeping a journal of our trip on my lap top and will post it later with some pics.

So, klep don blooging......



Here we are at Margot and Joel's place in West Vancouver. We just came back from lunch at Milestones. We arrived in Vancouver yesterday ata bout 4:00PM. We stopped in to see Fort Langly on the way. That was where Amable Hogue went in 1828 as a favoured middle paddler for Governor George Simpson and his canoe. They left on their trip in July and arrived in Fort Langly three months later. I am not sure of their route thru the mountains but part of it was down the Fraser River. There is a lot of history at the Fort. It was there that Governor Douglas made British Columbia a province. In fact some of the BC parliament meets there once a year in the big house. I will send pictures and some interesting passages form the Fort Langley Diary when I get back to Wpg. Ain't history great!
Last night we went over to meet Margot at the Kettle of Fish. Margot was managing the retaurant last night and she treated us to a great dinner...I had steak and lobster.mmmmmmm...and Catherine had salmon. Of course as parents of the manager we had the best table in the house heehee.
Anyhow, better go and put in some sight-seeing before we go to dinner. later, kleep dawn blooging.


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