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Here we are, Wednesday....last day here since we leave for Winnipeg tomorrow. Last night we visited Lois and Brett for a nice steak dinner and some good conversation, and Drambuie after dinner. Lois and
brett have had a houseful since last week and as of yesterday afternoon they got rid of them all....so they are alone again. Had it not been for the fact that they had a houseful we could have stayed with them. It kinda nic, when they come to Winnipeg we put them up and they have put us up in the past when we visited Vancouver. They are a lot of fun to be with. It was nice to be able to see them again before we left. Today we are going to Stanley Park for a picnic....some cheese, a baguette, some wine (in a bag). It sohould be fun. Margot has taken the day off so she could be with us on our final day here.
We went over to Metrotown to shop yesterday and
Catherine fell in love with the new "Old Navy" store and she actually made me drive back there after we left it the first to get something that she thought about but could not decide until we were half way home. She was surpirsed to find out that we have an "Old Navy" store in Winnpeg.....I can see us going there often! Carol would be glad to know that they have Value Village Super Stores here and Thrifty stores too.....especially around hastings! We travel right down Hasting to Margot and Joel's place everyday, quite a thrill! Well better do and relinquish the computer for the next guy.
I will blog more when I get home! In the meantime...Keft und bugling.

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