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Paul Retires and we all get older....... 

   Paul retired from teaching this year.   He is keeping a low profile about it, I don't know why but I guess he feels uneasy about it.   His wife is 8 years younger than he is and I guess it makes him feel old.....hell, wake up...everyday is like Saturday!  He claims that he will still be working somehow.....not sure how but.....   He gets his first pension cheque in August.  As an added bonus he is waiting to hear when he will be getting bypass surgery.    Catherine and I bought him some golf balls and a new golf glove.  Al and Janine got him the 90's version of Trivial Pursit....and it is hard!  Easy to remember things in the 60's, 70's and even 80's but the 90's......????where in the hell were we?   We had a nice meal at Al and Janine's (BBQ'D brisket of beef, shrimp kebabs, dill-potatos, caesar salad, and sour-dough bread) place on Tuesday night and besides celebrating Paul's retirement we all exchanged birthday gifts (as we have been doing for the past several years or so).   I got a 'snail lamp'  (an outdoor lamp in the shape of a snail)...perfect for the lake. 
   Jack and the boys are coming tonight at 10:30.   I just got tickets to the Goldeyes baseball game next Thursday, I think that the boys will like that.   The last time Jack was in I took him and Jamie to a football game.    Its nice to do things like that when people visit you...it makes you feel good.
   Well dont' forget!............Keep on blogging!

Paul Retires and we all get older.......
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