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NYTimes, Constance, and Provence 

It's been kind of a ho-hum day. I read the paper, did the Sunday New York Times crossword (didn't quite get it all), did laundry, culled a few more things not going with me to Vancouver and watched "The Last Waltz." I had never seen it so I picked it up for 10 bucks. I did not know that it was directed by Martin Scorsese. That Neil Young looked just as goofy as he does now, but Robbie Robertson looked so young!

Yesterday three friends and I went to see "The Constant Wife" at Manitoba Theatre Centre. I was surprised to see a witty farce written by Somerset Maugham. The actor who played Constance, the wife, was very good. Maugham really understood that economic freedom meant sexual freedom for women. He was ahead of his time. The female characters were fuller than the male. I think Maugham gave the men short shrift. They seemed to be either silly or aggressive or both. Well, it might have been the acting or the directing - hard to tell. Still I was used to thinking of Maugham as a dramatic novelist with social commentary. This light-hearted play made me think of Noel Coward's plays. It had the same sort of witty British upper-class language.

Afterwards we went to a restaurant called "Provence." The food was quite ordinary and the wine was overpriced, but the service was impeccable. Margot would have been pleased with the service and she has high standards. It's a little sad to think that was the last play I will be here to attend. Next Saturday P and P are having a farewell party for me.

I see by Gary's blog that they are on their way home tomorrow and may get home at the end of March or April 1. And Charlene is away for some training for work. Why don't the rest of you get blogging!

Ta ta and take care and PEACE.

Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious. ~Peter Ustinov

NYTimes, Constance, and Provence
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