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Moving Right Along 

Hello to everyone in blogland. It was certainly a relief to get the house sold. The buyers are a forty-something couple living in Brandon. He is ex-army and now works for the government. They have no children. They seem very nice. They came to see the house again on Sunday (he hadn't seen it yet). They bought some of my stuff, the dining room suite, some electronics, my lawn mower. A few less things for me to worry about.

Now that I know when I am leaving I have been able to make some plans. I have phoned everyone that needed to know from Manitoba Hydro to Shaw cable. I have hired an auctioneer to sell the stuff I'm not taking with me including my car. They will pick up the stuff and sell it and send me a cheque. How easy is that?

I haven't picked a mover yet, there are several coming to give me estimates. I also spent some time moving boxes and packing more things in boxes. I know I will be ready. I could probably be ready sooner than April 11, but that is the day my train leaves for Vancouver.

Margot is coming for a few days to say goodbye to the house. It is the house she grew up in. We lived here since 1980. It's starting to look more and more like it did when we moved in - mostly empty.

No one in the family has blogged for several days! Get blogging out there. I'm getting withdrawal symptoms!

Tata and take care and peace.

Moving Right Along
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