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Bye-Bye Subbing, Wall of Honour, Eating Out 

Today was my last day as a substitute teacher. I subbed in a really nice class of grade twos and threes. One of my regulars. We played Numero and I read them one of my stories (a repeat of my story, "Stinky", by request). It was so nice to end on such a positive note. I brought almond haystacks, a treat that I made for them myself. They also spent time with their grade seven buddies and about half a dozen of the grade seven students wrote me a great thank you letter and said I was their favourite substitute teacher. It was so heart-warming. Lots of hugs from both the little ones and the not-so-little-ones.

I am glad to be fully retired now. It is a wonderful end to a mostly satisfying career.

Then I went to the Reh-fit for a workout and afterwards went to a special reception put on by the Reh-fit for "major donors." I made a donation to the Reh-fit over a year ago in Dennis' honour and they assured me his name would be on the Honour Wall. Well, they decided they wanted to re-do the Honour Wall and so none of the plaques have been put back up since the new building was finished. It has taken them this long just to choose the artist who is to re-do the plaques! It may not be up before I leave for Vancouver. That is most disappointing. I guess they invited me to the reception to make up for dragging their feet on the Honour Wall.

Maybe the plaque will be up by the time Gary and Carolyn are here to help Mother pack up for the move to Victoria. It will say: In memory of Dennis Neil Ousey 1947-2005. It will be there as long as the building is standing, a long, long time. It's comforting to think about that.

A moving company is coming to give me an estimate tomorrow morning. I have lunch with one friend and dinner with another friend. Mother is coming over to visit this weekend and we are hoping to get out to dinner on Sunday with Kim and Kevin. There is a dinner meeting on Saturday with the Humanist Association of Manitoba. Some students from Afrique 2007 will talk about their recent trip to Senegal, Africa. Busy, busy, busy. It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it.

Tata, take care and peace.

The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off. ~Abe Lemons

Bye-Bye Subbing, Wall of Honour, Eating Out
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