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Snuggling, The Queen, Senegal Africa 

Thanks to Mattieu, our adopted French son, for his comments on the last blog. So sorry that Gary and Carolyn are experiencing such a cold time down in Texas - you'll just have to snuggle to keep warm! Happy Birthday to Lyn. I hope Charlene sends me the URL of her new blogsite and BTW, I am getting emails bounced back from you Charlene, so how about sending the new email address?

I have been trying to keep busy - less time for sadness - and for the most part it is working. I went to see The Queen (no, not the real person, the movie) on Tuesday, substituted all day Wed. and Thurs. Friday I picked up Mother and she came for the weekend at my house. I sold at an Afrique 2007 craft sale on Saturday(the students have now raised $150 000.00 (!!!!) for the village of MBour in Africa and are preparing for their trip to Senegal on Jan. 26 - Bon Voyage!) Then I went to a Winter Solstice Party with my humanist friends. We played Cranium and had a good time.

Tonight I go to J and A's house for dinner and tomorrow I pack and take Suzie to Uncle Paul and Auntie Pat's. On Tuesday I fly to Vancouver, so only two more sleeps!
I am so looking forward to the trip and seeing everyone, daughter, son-in-law, sisters, friends, nieces and nephew. It's a rehearsal for my move to Vancouver.

I might blog while in Victoria. Happy Holidays to all. Love, hugs and kisses to everyone.

I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich. ~Dan Wilcox and Thad Mumford, "Identity Crisis," M*A*S*H

Snuggling, The Queen, Senegal Africa
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