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Fresh Veggies, BB7, Mythology and Cankerworms 

I just got back from the farmers' market in St. Norbert and I sold $180.00 worth of birdhouses! It's my best day yet. Woo hoo. It feels so good to contribute to such a good cause. The wasps weren't too bad. They just dive-bombed me about 6 or 8 times. And I bought a raft of vegetables, some corn, potatoes, squash and tomatoes. Mmmmm. The potatoes and squash are for a dinner party I'm hosting next Saturday.

Bon Voyage to Gary and Carolyn. I see by their blog that they'll be on the road for two weeks. Have a great time!

Charlene posted twice this week. Char, I hope Erika wins Big Brother 7. That Mike Boogie is such a sleaze. I am looking forward to the new series of The Amazing Race and Survivor. I'd never be able to play any of those games. I can't stand bugs and if I had to eat some of those "foods" they make the contestants eat, I'm sure I'd bring up. But I really do enjoy watching how devious and frustrated some of the contestants get.

The weather has been cooler the last few days. I guess summer really is over. This morning I woke up and found the house cold. I'll have to start turning on the furnace soon. I noticed the leaves are falling in the back yard.

This evening it's the monthly meeting of the Humanist Association of Manitoba and I'm going. Dinner and a movie! Well, a video titled, "The God Who Wasn't There." It's all about ancient mythologies.

Margot just finished a three-day weekend which I know she needed because she just came off a ten-day marathon of being in charge of the restaurant. The GM was off on holidays. I think about her and Vancouver often. Looking forward to the next trip to BC in December.

I fly to Vancouver on Dec. 12 and will stay there until Dec. 17. Then I will go to Victoria and stay at Gary and Carolyn's house until Dec. 30. Looking forward to that trip.

I have a day of subbing on Tuesday, Sept. 12. at the Island, my old school. I am really looking forward to it.

Well, got to take my adopted canine daughter out for a walk and start banding those trees. Those cankerworms are already out for the fall.

The foliage has been losing its freshness through the month of August, and here and there a yellow leaf shows itself like the first gray hair amidst the locks of a beauty who has seen one season too many. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Fresh Veggies, BB7, Mythology and Cankerworms
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