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Exteriors and Interiors 

Here are some pics of my new fence. Great job, eh?

I spent the morning loading up the old lumber into a trailer and taking it out to the dump. Two trips. What a dreadful smell! There were two huge puddles (it rained heavily last night) and something (methane gas?) was bubbling up from the depths of the landfill. Absolutely disgusting. We paid four dollars each visit for the priviledge of inhaling the noxious smell. The second time it smelled like a meat packing plant. And the gulls! Hundreds of them! Making as much noise as a crowd at a Blue Bombers football game. But it was fun driving there with my neighbours Dale and Glen. I am surrounded by neighbourhood angels. It is wonderful to have such good-hearted neighbours.

I've been thinking about this house and how it is changing. It was Our House; it is becoming My House. I have been clearing out the old stuff, building and rebuilding. The house is a metaphor for what is happening to me. I am in the process of creating a new life and a new me. I had a life with him before. Now I have to make a single life. I am already a different person than I was before he died. I started with the outside of the house, the part that I present to the world. I learned to deal with tradespeople, something I never had to do before. I have made new relationships with new friends. My exterior has changed, too. But the real job is to come, the inside. The renovations to the bathrooms and, perhaps, the kitchen are next. The inside will be more costly, take longer and be more difficult. I can draw a parallel with my interior. I cannot say how long the interior change will take - maybe a lifetime.

It is difficult to express exactly what I want to say. It would take a lot more time and space than this blog provides and it is getting too long already.

Nice to see that Gary has blogged again. It's always a newsy blog. Happy birthday to Alan! He will have to wait until I get to Victoria in August for a birthday kiss.

Tata, take care and peace.

We did not change as we grew older; we just became more clearly ourselves. - Lynn Hall

Exteriors and Interiors
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