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Airport, Hit Counter, Reh-fit Bookmobile 

Six more days till Margot! She arrives at 1:43 on Wed. May 17 and I'll be at the airport with bells on - okay, well, maybe not, but I'll be happy. My friends gave me a big brass bell when I retired. It's LOUD. Maybe I should take that out there. That would wake up a few people.

And the blog hit counter is at 9958! It'll soon be at ten thousand! I predict it will hit the 10 000 mark within two days. Dennis would have been astounded that there are so many hits on it.

I subbed Tuesday afternoon and all day Wednesday. I made a few more bucks.

I now have the estimates on the bathroom work I want done. I'm going to give it a little more thought before deciding and talk it over with Margot when she comes. It is a lot of money, so, I'd better not be too impulsive.

I'm heading out to the Reh-fit Centre for a workout. I went Tuesday. I usually go Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays, but got off routine this week when I hauled all the old lumber to the landfill on Monday. So in the interest of keeping my aerobic fitness up, I'm going today and tomorrow. I always feel so good after a workout, even if I'm tired when I get there. It must be the release of all those endorphins. Whatever. It feels good.

I usually walk for about 20 minutes. While I walk, I read a book, usually a British crime novel. People have asked me how I do that. I don't know, I just do it. And I've never bumped into anyone, even though some people head out on the track without doing a shoulder check. One of the regulars said he's nicknamed me Bookmobile. LOL

Then I ride a stationary bike for 30 minutes at an aerobic pace. I watch TV while I bike. I like to time my bike ride to coincide with Wheel of Fortune. It's such a happy show. Then I do some weight machines for arm and back strength. Then it's floor exercises, situps and other abs exercise, a few stretches, and I'm done.

Tata, off to the Reh-fit.

Exercise alone provides psychological and physical benefits. However, if you also adopt a strategy that engages your mind while you exercise, you can get a whole host of psychological benefits fairly quickly. - James Ripp MD

Airport, Hit Counter, Reh-fit Bookmobile
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