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Grade Three Miscreants, Mending Fences: Waiting for Frost 

Hey, Jack blogged again! Great stuff. I'm glad everyone had such a good time last weekend. Now how about everyone else!!!!

I subbed at one school in the morning and another one in the afternoon. The afternoon school (which shall remain nameless to protect the guilty) was a grade three class. I'm glad it was only for the afternoon. I don't think I'd have survived the whole day. Ten minutes into the afternoon I suddenly remembered why I crossed this school off my subbing list last year. I can't believe some eight and nine-year-olds can be this angry. I sent one kid to the office after about ten minutes, then another one who was giving everybody the finger and using foul language. Then there was a palace revolt: two other boys decided they wanted to go to the office, too, so off they went. By the end of the day one boy had destroyed a bridge built by another boy out of drinking straws and the victim was so angry, he was literally shaking. I tried to talk him down by getting him to take deep breaths, but he left at the end of the day threatening to beat the crap out of the bridge-breaker. Needless to say that school is off my list permanently now. I don't need the high blood pressure.

Tomorrow I go to my favourite school. Also a grade three class, but they are little darlings compared to the one I was at today. Then Thursday afternoon a grade seven class, not my favourite, but I've had worse.

My neighbour, Glen, was just here to talk over the fence-rebuilding project. Apparently the neighbour on the other side of him, Frank, who is a retired but bored seventy-something, is chomping at the bit to get started. But the frost isn't completely out of the ground yet. So we've tentatively decided to start at the beginning of May.

Something there is that doesn't love a wall, that wants it down.
Good fences make good neighbours
Spring is the mischief in me... - Robert Frost.

Grade Three Miscreants, Mending Fences: Waiting for Frost
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