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Prairie Storm, West Kings, Old Friends, Aquariums 

March has certainly come in on the prairies like a lion. We are having a minor snowstorm right now. The prediction is that about 5-10 cm. will accumulate. Time to fire up the snowthrower again. I hope that means that March will go out like a lamb. By the time we get back from Ooooooooklahoma it might be spring! Well, we can always hope.

I went to the Grand Opening of the new, improved Reh-fit Centre last night. I enjoyed the wine and the little nibbly bits. But then I paid for it by having to listen to speeches by officials and politicians. I went for a tour of some of the recently finished rooms. There are rooms for yoga, aerobics, spinning and therapeutic massages, as well as the field house and wonderful new locker rooms. Afterwards I cornered the Premier of our fair province to thank him for the provincial government's contribution to the centre. He said, "It's your money. I just invested it in the future." Isn't that just like a politician. But at least he knows whose money he's spending.

A few days ago I got an email about a reunion at my old high school in Nova Scotia, West Kings High. It's going to be at the end of June, beginning of July. I think I just might be going. It's a good excuse to visit with my father as well. Yet another trip! They have a database on their website of email addresses of graduates, but there are only seven entries for 1965 graduates and I don't recognize any of the names. I've been communicating with one of the organizers and already I may have a connection to one of my old girlfriends.

The one I'd really like to get in touch with, though, is Sharon Hogue. She married and probably has a different surname now. I tried a search online and came up with a 2003 phorum connection with her name on it and it said something about Greenwood NS and 1965. That's gotta be her. When I tried the hyperlink, it was no more! So close and yet so far. Maybe she was looking for me! I missed it by about three years! Sharon, if you are out there looking for Catherine Comeau, here I am! If you find my blog, leave a comment on this blog with your email address and I'll get in touch with you.

My son-in-law is going to be interviewed by a magazine about his aquariums. Way to go, Joel! Great things are in store for you. His business, Creative Aquariums, designs, installs and maintains aquariums complete with fish and plants. You can see one of them on his blog. See the hyperlink to "Joel's blog" somewhere to the right of this entry.

Gotta go for now. Keeg on blokking!

Now that it's all over, what did you really do yesterday that's worth mentioning? ~Coleman Cox

Prairie Storm, West Kings, Old Friends, Aquariums
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