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OHare, Motorized Carts, Jeff Daniels, Home Sweet Home 

We got back from Oklahoma late Sunday night. Don't ever go through OHare in Chicago if you can help it. It's huge, has five terminals. I am sure glad we got wheeled everywhere. Mother and I had to wait for a wheelchair to board the plane for Winnipeg and then when it did come, the wheelchair pusher (with attitude) wheeled her to the wrong plane. They held the plane for us, but it was somewhat stressful. Anyway, I'm back and feeling out of the loop. Gary hasn't blogged for a few days and I haven't blogged since March 8. And nobody is sending me any emails. I'm back!

It was good to see Jack and the boys, but I am glad to be home. Back in my own home with my memories. The weather was not as cold as Winnipeg, but not as good as I thought it would be. Most days the high temp was about 5 or 6 degrees. At night it got pretty cold and Jack had to have his arm twisted to turn on the furnace. I guess they are acclimatized and don't feel the cold.

Jamie and Andrew and Nana and I played a lot of cards and Yahtzee. We went out for dinner quite a few times and I lost count of how many times we went to Wal-mart. Nana got used to those motorized carts they have at Wal-mart and I think she wants to buy her own. We managed to have dinner one night with Catherine, Steven and Rebecca.

Jeff Daniels (Dumb and Dumber) was on our flight from Chicago. He was dressed in scruffy clothes and his hair was long and unkempt-looking. Mother said, "Jeff Daniels, who's he? He looks like a homeless person." Maybe he was trying to be incognito. But she did recognize Mayor of Winnipeg Sam Katz on the same flight. We were in the same elevator.

Suzie was glad to see me and enjoyed our walks yesterday and today. She renewed her relationship by sniffing her way around the neighbourhood. Dennis used to say that she was just a nose on four legs. I subbed all day today and will be working all day tomorrow also. It was a grade 1-2 class. Cute kids.

That's it for now. COME ON PEOPLE, SOMEBODY ELSE BLOG! Or send me an email.

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.
George Moore

OHare, Motorized Carts, Jeff Daniels, Home Sweet Home
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