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Nick Cage, Curried Chicken, Oscars, Good Fences, Good Neighbours 

It's been a few days since my last blog. Forgive me, Gary, for this serious omission. I've been busy with getting out the March issue of Manitoba Humanist. Well, it's out and it is good reading, even if I do say so myself.

Thanks for the heads up on the Nick Cage movies. I probably won't rent them. Not the kind of movies I should be watching right now, I think.

Yes, Mother and I are going to OOOOOOOOklahoma where the corn grows higher than the sky - or some such nonsense. It did seem very rural the last time I was there. It will be good to get away for a while. I am looking forward to the trip. Mother vacillates between being happy and worrying about what can go wrong. It sure is easy to book flights online, isn't it? Of course, by the time you add in all the fees, taxes and stuff, it ends up being about twice what you thought it would be. Oh well, we'll make it.

Last Friday my friend Gail and I went for dinner to Dalat. Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine. It was very good. We shared curried chicken and eggplant with black bean and garlic sauce. There was so much we each took home half of what was left and I just had it for supper tonight. We had a decent white wine. As my friend Pat would say, a good Tuesday wine. That would be a day of the week when they would have a less expensive and not-so-great wine. Next week Gail and I are going to take in a movie. It will be nice to see a movie with someone else.

And on Sunday I'm having an Oscar party with my friends Pat and Paul and Doug and Diana. I plan to have a buffet supper and we will see who can predict the highest number of winners. I have a very nice little bottle of dessert wine (recommended by my knowledgeable daughter) as prize for the one of my friends who wins.

My neighbour across the back fence, George, lost his wife last Friday. She had been battling cancer for a few years. They used to have Boxing Day open house and invited all the neighbours. A couple of years back, he helped Dennis put up a new fence on the line of our two properties. The man must be in his 80s, but he was out there, working hard. My heart goes out to him. I'll be going to the Celebration of Gladys' Life on Wednesday.

Well, must try to get some sleep now. I teach tomorrow morning. Suzie sends her love to all in blogland.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal. ~From a headstone in Ireland

Nick Cage, Curried Chicken, Oscars, Good Fences, Good Neighbours
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