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New Prairie Dog, Subbing, Wedding, RV, Handycam 

Here it is the first day of a new month. I have finally reread all of the Prairie Dog Blog. I had not read some of the entries. I learned more about him as I read. I did not know how much he missed me when I went to visit my Dad. He said: "Where you used to be there is a big hole in my world. In the daytime I walk around it, but at night I fall in." That pretty much describes how it has been for me for the last couple of months. He had the soul of a poet. My heart is so full of love for him.

I will take over the Prairie Dog Blog. I won't be as funny as Dennis was. No one could be. And I probably won't rant about political issues as much as he did. It will be different, but maybe it will help to keep his spirit alive. He was such a passionate person about so many things. It's one of the things I loved most about him.

I am taking all the old audio and video tapes and having them put on CD and DVD. Gotta get with the new technology. Warp into the twenty-first century. Funny, we always talked about doing that, but never got around to it.

I substituted at the Island, my old school, today. Grade five, nice bunch. A sweet little girl came to me right after I arrived and said," The last time you were here talking to Mrs. D. you looked really sad." I said, "Yes, my husband died just before Christmas." She said, "Oh, I am so sorry." Do you need to wonder why I love subbing at the Island? And some people say the young are irresponsible or uncaring. Not to me they aren't.

After supper I went for a meeting with a new client. I will be performing their wedding on May 27. It will be wonderful to do another wedding. I would love to do many, many weddings. I wish for them at least 40 years of happiness like I had. Love isn't the best thing - it's the only thing!

I see by Gary's blog he has been golfing down in Arizona. And what's up with all those complaints about sunny days! But I'm glad they are enjoying the winter down south. I'm a little envious. As I take the dog for a walk through the slush I find it hard going. It's like walking in the sand.

I am having second thoughts about selling the RV. I have made a list of the advantages of selling and of keeping. That's me, the consummate analyst. I need to talk to some other people about this, too. If I keep it I will have a lot to learn about looking after it. But, hey, I can do it. I learned how to use the snowblower thanks to the help of my two brothers-in-law. And I have used it four or five times so far this winter. In spite of the fact that we have had a record-breaking January. Warmest on record. But a fair amount of snow.

I did something very impulsive last Saturday. I bought myself a Sony handycam. I haven't even really learned how to use the digital camera yet. It'll be something to keep me busy when I visit BC.

Well, must go. It's getting late.
Remember, I'm pullin' for ya. We're all in this together. (Red Green)

New Prairie Dog, Subbing, Wedding, RV, Handycam
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