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Chinese New Year, RV, Farting 

Hello all out there in blogland. I see Gary has blogged. But the real surprise is that Chelsea has taken over her mother's blog. Good work. It's fun to see what the farflung members of the family are up to. Hope the Victoria Ouseys are reading my blog, too.

On Friday I went for lunch with my friend, Diana. We talked for three hours. The serving staff were giving us the evil eye to try and get us out so they could turn over the table for dinner. The meal was okay, nothing special, but it was the dialogue that I needed. D. has had her share of grief over the last few years and it was comforting to talk to her about common experiences. She was so sensible and understanding. It is great to have such good friends.

Saturday I picked up Mother and brought her here for the weekend. She babysat (dogsat?) Suzie while I went to a dinner meeting and then to Morgan and Terri's for their annual Chinese New Year party. Gang hey fat choy! I hear that's what Chinese people say at New Year's, but for all I know it could mean "Don't fart in polite company!"

M. and T. lived in China for a few years and Morgan still takes business trips there. There were a few people there that I knew and it was good to listen to the jokes and teasing that happens between people who have known each other for a long time. I actually laughed out loud. I need to do more of that.

I have decided to go to Gimli on Friday and have my little ceremony. Mother thinks it will make me too sad. She also said I should not read all the sympathy cards because it will just make me cry. Sorry, Mother, but I have to disagree. When one is grieving, one should cry. And stopping yourself all the time only puts off the grief and makes it last longer.

Of course she also thinks I'm making a mistake keeping the RV. Speaking of that, I just talked to Pete and Sue who used to have the RV spot right next to ours and they have agreed to meet me there on opening weekend to help me learn how to take care of the RV. And Margot will be there. I'll be okay.

Now, if I can just get the Canada Pension department "silly servants" off their butts and start my survivor's allowance, I'll be happy.

Gang hey fat choy!

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
Mignon McLaughlin

Chinese New Year, RV, Farting
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