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Anniversary, Islandingadagurin, Eye Test 

Well, it's been a few days since last I blogged. But I see no one else has either, so I don't feel so bad. It's been a busy few days since last Wednesday. Today is quieter. I heard a flock of sparrows chirping at the front of the house this morning. It is a little milder; only -8 degrees today. Spring must be on the way because I've seen several crows over the last few weeks.

On Friday I drove up to Gimli. I played the tape of Beatles Love Songs that we always played when we would set out on a road trip. I sang along and shed a few tears. I had planned to go out on the dock and set a balloon free, but the woman who sold me the balloon with Happy Anniversary on it said that the balloon would deflate in the cold air. I pictured the balloon sinking and skittering over the ice on the lake and sitting there until spring melt. It just didn't seem right to chuck a big piece of mylar into the lake - can't be good for the environment. So in the end I brought it home. I had lunch in the hotel dining room looking out over the lake. It was a cold, sunny day. There were some people on skidoos out on the lake and I think someone was ice fishing. I had the same lunch that I had the last time he and I had lunch there. Onion soup and chocolate cake. Then I drove around Gimli remembering all the good times we had. The Viking statue; the Saturday market; the bike rides; eating cinnamon buns for breakfast; fish and chips at Kris' restauant; fishing off the dock; going to Islandingadagurin (the Icelandic festival). On the whole it was a good day.

Our first wedding was on February 17, 1967. We renewed our vows on February 14, 1987. We always used to say we would probably get married every twenty years. Next February 2007 would have been 40 years.

On Saturday I went to see "The Innocent Eye Test." Great play, very funny. Clever puns, some slapstick, visual jokes. He would have loved it. Then we all went to a new restaurant: Vivere Ristorante. It was delicious. Then back home for the traditional Trivial Pursuit with the "Trivial" friends.

Last night and today have been sad times. Missing him.

And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make...The Beatles

Anniversary, Islandingadagurin, Eye Test
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