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Don't know what it is...But not Life threatening! 

I am feeling better today. Today I went to visit my Doc ( GP Dr Hildahl) and he is arranging to have an Opthamologist have a look at my eyes.....I have a slight stye in my starboard side. Let's start at the beginning. For the past 6 or 8 weeks I have had dizzy spells which causes a backwards or stumble movement if I stand still. My vision has been worse on my starboard side as well. Along with spending 5 or so hours at Victoria Hospital on Nov, 20th, I spent 9 hours at HSC emergency on Tuesday which precipitated a meeting with:
  1. A neurologist and her Resident. Along with a test of reflexes, etc.
  2. A further CAT scan (the 2nd) to determine the problem.
  3. A mobility test.
  4. Results to my Doctor (GP Dr. Hildahl). I go see him again next Thursday. (he did not have the results today)

There is no reason for Gary to NOT go or DELAY his trip south! I can't emphasis this more. I will keep everyone close to me apprised of the situation. FYI Margot and Mother know about this. There is no specific diagnosis yet, so I was waiting to get that before I told Gary and Jack about it so I could speak with more authority. It has been too long and the cat is getting out of the bag. It may be as simple as a virus or as compicated as NPH ( look it up) but NPH has been almost ruled out by now....don't know what it is but my balance is "off" and I have a headache ( like a bad stress headache), also I am using a cane for balance only when I am starting and stopping walking. Catherine and I have cleared our work/volunteer slate for Dec. -She will drive me to all my appointments, etc. I don't know what I would do without her! REMEMBER not to cancel any plans! Especially plans to go down south! I' m going for an Ultra-sound and an MRI to get to the bottom of this. News WILL follow when we know more. All we know now is that it is not life threatening.

TATA, And remember, PEACE.

Don't know what it is...But not Life threatening!
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