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Tuesdays with Dennis 

Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese.

Today is the first day according to Catherine that we went out and brought back nothing... A first in recent history. The temp today is a balmy 1 degree C. I took a risk and washed the car.

I guess Gary is preparing the land Yacht for his trip to inner Arizona. I think it is still hot hot there so he better pack some balls..for golfing...golf balls. I am sure that the RV will be ready. I think that they are going to Washington State first to join up with the Kirkwoods and travelin a group ...."Heck's angels" or something.

Well, I miss going to the trailer and spending some time. Well, soon it will be spring....won't it??

Well better go have a nap before din-din....tata and Peace.

Tuesdays with Dennis
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