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Sloppy Storm Causes Schmozzle on St, Michael in St. Vital 

Hello there. Well it got to 9 degrees C yesterday. That gave us a chance to clean up the sloppy driveway from the mess the ploughs made when they cleaned the Bay. Everyhing is out of whack since the storm, the garbage truck finally came and picked up the garbage today-only 6 days late! The storm happened on day 5 so they canceled it outright....take your garbage back in and save it for the NEXT day 5...but they come today...day 4 with intentions of coming tomorrow too! What a schmozzle. Bad enough they took their time ploughing out the city (the shopping centres got ploughed first you know.....couldn't get there 'cause of the streets but once you were there it was all clean) and no they are ploughing it as it is melting! Funny thing is that the shopping Centres were full on the afternoon of the day of the storm......miss work, go shopping, go figure.

We took Mom out for dinner Saturday for her Birthday. Then we came home to our place to have some cake. mmmmm Jeannies cake. We got on Yahoo Messenger and talked to Jack in his new house. He sent us pictures of the boys....one of each of Jamie and Andrew in glasses and one of Jamie, Andrew and Josephine (hmmmm?) all ready to go out for Halloween trick or treating). The kids like Josephine....pretty too. Not much new with Jack...yup.

Love to all. AND PEACE.

Sloppy Storm Causes Schmozzle on St, Michael in St. Vital
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