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Happy Birthday Mike! R U 40 yet!...HAHA

Not much happening today. Went to the Museum this AM for a shift. Not many there. no surprise. I got a $10.00 tip from a group of seniors from Middlechurch that I took around on a tour last week....a note said that they really appreciated and enjoyed my tour of the Museum. I liked them too... so that helps when you are doing a tour.

We still have a bunch o' snow on the ground and that's OK...it just makes for hard driving ceptin' on main streets. It was sloooow driving to the Museum this AM as the caution flag was out and people were just....driving slow for no real reason because the roads on the main drags were pretty good. Not a bad blizzard in Manitoba on the whole, at least there were no deaths like the 4 that died in Saskatchewan. And the best part is that the blizard is annoying people in the east now. I was listening to the radio on my drive to the musem and people were complaining about the snow cleanup...one guy said that he moved here from Toronto and in Toronto they would have had all the streets open by now...sure whith the help of the ARMY. Give them a chance ...we got 30 cms and that would put any city down for a while...two days at least! RELAX...have a beer and chill.

Well I hope I get my snowblower back tomorrow.

Hey did you catch the show on Dicovery," How William Shatner changed the world" what a hoot. Beam him up Scotty! Speaking of which, afer he died, Scotty's ashes were taken to space and released....neat huh? The stellar universe is not so difficult of comprehension...

Well, bye for now and.....peace

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